This isn't fun, please fix it already

Hi guys, @Kafka @Bramble @Jeto you already know this isn’t fun:


It’s also so easily fixable:

~Give us a 5th verse gnome that lets us choose which verse we want (bonus points if it defaults to suggesting the verse we have the fewest of in inventory)

~Give us the ability to craft any one verse gnome each week in the soulforge

~Let us transmute one verse gnome into any other verse gnome (limited to one per day) in the soulforge

The first suggestion would take some work but the second two should be pretty easy to implement.

Yeah, I know, in the scheme of the concerns this game currently has, this isn’t the most important. But it’s also probably one of THE easiest to fix. And it would be a very nice goodwill gesture.


We got bigger issues


I literally said that in the last paragraph. But I promise you that fixing this or not won’t impact whether they fix the important things or not. We can ask for more than one thing at a time.

Also, if I’m being honest with myself, the fact that I’m so very annoyed with - you know, everything else - is why I’m so extra peeved that they refuse to fix this very easy, tiny little thing. Any one of the above suggestions would easily solve the problem.

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How many Gnome-a-Paloozas have you crafted over the days/weeks/months/years? The screenshot in your opening post suggests one thing, but if the number of GaPs isn’t small, it’s also very misleading.

It’s actually from a newer account (few months old). But that’s really not the point. The point is that this is a game, it’s supposed to be fun. And this is needlessly irksome for really no good reason.

If they fixed this i would be gobsmacked. They keep adding more rng and currencies that nobody asked for and do not listen to players. At this point they are pretty much laughing at us and counting thier cash