This.. Is... Getting... ridiculous

Feel free to show me exactly where I said that it was only affecting me?
Or did you do that thing where you skimmed through the thread in a rush to share your uniformed opinion about it?
Also… If you don’t have a Recruiting thread then you have no clue how annoying the change is/will be. So please spare others, and myself by making this yet another thread invaded by subject matter that barely has anything to do with the OP courtesy of you.
This is a public forum that you have just as much right on to comment on as anyone else. You absolutely have the right to say nothing as well. A topic can be made that you don’t comment on. It is possible. I assure you.

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Wow your memory is really bad. Here you go, boss:

Sure, you’ll wiggle out of this one and say, “I acknowledged other people can do it”, but I’m arguing you’re complaining you are being specifically harassed for being old. Again:

I’ll go ahead and make the argument I’m not sure you realize is germane here: there’s a hint in your paragraph you mean to imply you aren’t being targeted, but the devs feel some weird unspoken policy prevents them from changing how the forums behave to help you. That still implies “I’m getting no response because it’s me”.


This is the paragraph where you say the reason they’re letting it stand is because you are affected by it.


“This is totally because all I do, like Slypenslyde, who is not being punished, is complain about the game.”

I’ll go ahead and comment on…

That hasn’t stopped you and dozens of others from invading threads re: anything that impacts newbies and midgamers and complaining wildly that you don’t see the difficulties they’re having. What follows are flexes and “I’m endgame and you’re not” displays. I remember this all the way back to when Dawnbringer was a problem in Arena, you are not sinless.

In fact:

The door swings both ways, sweetheart. A man chooses, a slave obeys. Here’s some advice:

You can make a salient point without prefixing it with how long you’ve played, what your scores are, how big your guild is, how many posts you have, etc. IT’s easy. You just say what you want to say. Here’s a template:

It’s harder to recruit because now I can’t edit my threads. This is particularly frustrating because it’s not applied evenly. I’m going to make a new recruitment thread until this settles, I’m going to be upset if you close that one. I literally cannot use my old thread.

This change was likely made because in the wider Discourse universe there are even bigger assholes than me. A fun game to play is to make a thread with one kind of content, wait for people to reply to it without quotes, then come back later and edit it so it looks like everyone’s agreeing with everyone else entirely. You may doubt that people will wait 60 whole days to do that, but I’ve learned to never, EVER underestimate the depths of “petty” to which internet users can sink. There are a handful of less harmful but no less concerning reasons why really old threads in a forum should become immutable, but that’s beside the point.

You had a good, one-sentence point and a good, one-sentence feature request. We don’t need the AW Ryan Wikipedia article attached. We’ve read it. We’re proud of you. Good job.

Now, would you kindly bring me my putter?

You two need to stop and unite against the devs against the machine against the dictators(they dictate the game their way even if mass of players don’t agree = dictatorship) :joy:
On serious note not sure why peeps that contributed toward bugs and plenty of feedback for over 2years (bug reports and feedback = it cuts the workload of GOW staff by 50%) and all you get is :poop:
FYI: I haven’t been here for 1 or 2years I am speaking for the ones that truly did free work for GOW :v::fist:

I only read one of his posts once a day. So that wouldn’t work. I look forward to reading his reply tomorrow though since I’m sure it’s not reactionary at all.

If it weren’t for the two of u, these forums would be full of tumbleweeds Lol
You both probably contribute 85% of the posts/responses
And 99.9% of total text

I’m pretty sure @Mithran has at least a solid 10% of all the text.

Imagine the game if everyone united together against 505.



Katamari Gems of War???


I’ve played in the admin settings and everyone should be able to edit their threads like normal now.

If you have any further issues please let me know.


On behalf of every GM/recruiter on the forums - thanks! you’re awesome @Saltypatra!