There goes Guild contributions

I’m sticking to normal difficulty mostly - occasionally go up those warlords for variety. But as I play GoW while multi-tasking (and with my children) I prefer not needing to concentrate too hard…

And now working on guild and kingdoms is easier. New gold update woot.

I try to balance guild contributions and upgrading kingdoms. I make my contributions to the guild early in the week and then the rest of the week is for my kingdoms. I got three up to 10 this week. The guilds don’t need to suffer IMO.

I’m guessing the forum messed up again. This thread is from October, addressing their initial concerns about the update.

How can guilds maintain stricter rules whene there arent many players to join them to begin with? Other than a number of top guilds all mid guilds are stuck in no-man’s lans not getting much of new active members…

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I guess I am speaking of the top 50 guilds, yes. I have no idea what this will mean for lower level guilds. Nevertheless, even a +30 on all mana colours from a medium-level guild is a great step forward in chances for mana surges.

my guild is left open and people join and help before going to a better guild but at the most it is active with 18/19 people loggong in daily. my guild is still in the 2ks

There’s a long way for a guild to reach +30 on all mana, really really long. And since the active members are scarce, it’s even harder progressing.

Let me rephrase that to ‘even +10’. Even if the guild is totally dead and you’re not getting any keys or gems out of it, these +10 will still add to your total mana surge chance. :slightly_smiling: