The (Un)Official Console Weekly Event Thread 3 (No further updates)

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For anyone that didnā€™t see it, here is how the devs will be fixing the Justice League for us:

I said before that the only way that theyā€™d be able to solve the problem given the way our AI works is to gut the guild guardians entirely. They chose to revert the AI instead. So, the Justice League is so bad that the devs canā€™t figure out how to defeat it either without reverting to the brain-dead AI.

@Strat, fire up the Delorean, weā€™re going:


This is not new news. It was stated back when the gem creation algorithm was changed on the pc that all those changes were going to be brought over to console. She just simply restated the plan from months ago.

No, she said we were getting the PC/Mobile gem creator changes (that part is old news), but this is the first mention of an AI change. Two totally separate issues.

Not from my understanding. The 2 were always planned on being the same and I know these changes will probably not sit weā€™ll with most console players even if Justice gets needed in tbe process.

Iā€™m just reading the words that are in front of me: ā€œconsole will be getting the same AI and RNG as PC/Mobileā€ (emphasis mine). Itā€™s possible that @Saltypatra misspoke or was careless with her words, but that would be uncharacteristic for her. If thatā€™s the case, Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll correct me or clarify what she meant.

Iā€™ve been saying all along that the reason for Justice League running rampant on console isnā€™t about the RNG or gem creation, itā€™s about the AI. It just makes better choices and wonā€™t shoot itself in the foot the way the PC/Mobile AI will. This may be the only fix available. I mean, Iā€™ve thought a lot about it and couldnā€™t come up with anything reasonable that would preserve the integrity of the GG troops. I hadnā€™t considered reverting the AI, though.

If Iā€™m reading Salty correctly, this is a major change in direction. Previously, the plan was to roll the new AI out to PC/Mobile once Mobile was on Unity. Now, it looks like they are backtracking on the AI, by rolling Console back to the old AI. Both paths bring all platforms onto the same AI.

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Yeah we will get the boring predictable shit but at least the gem creator will be broken so letā€™s see if people got imagination and i doubt about it.

I donā€™t know if you remember but i predicted the Justice League meta before it happen when they nerfed bone dragon

So my next meta prediction is the other boring team will be more popular then ever

Famine or korvash or moloc


I honestly donā€™t know what Iā€™d prefer: Justice League brought under control with the boring AI, or Justice League running rampant with the interesting AI. I wish there was a third choice, but like Iā€™ve said, I canā€™t imagine what it would be (aside from nerfing the Guardians, which I donā€™t like either).

Personally it doesnā€™t matter to me. And I know youā€™ll probably have to dig deep way back but this is not a new statement. And at that time the console players didnā€™t want that to happen because they liked the quirkiness and randomness. Now Iā€™m sure the slider adjustments will offset that to a point but console becoming a mirror of pc was always the plan for better or worse.

And as for Justice teamsā€¦ Iā€™m not sure what smarts your taking about. Most of the time blue is what gets matched repeatedly and after a few castings, tthe game picks skulls as the other gem to make. But really it works just by loop loop loop, on look skull hit off cascade and they had 100 attack. I never saw any real advanced gameplayā€¦ Just looping til it canā€™t or youā€™re dead.

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I think the first idea was to make pc AI same then console but the gems creator bug seem to make them change their mind


That was clearly the plan. Everyone was asking why the Defense sliders were marked ā€œcoming soonā€ when PC got Unity.

There is no way they would have invested all the time and effort in creating a new AI for console only to revert back when they put all the versions on Unity if they had had any choice. Releasing the new AI on PC/Mobile would just be spreading the Justice League infection to the big pool and it looks like theyā€™ve decided they canā€™t risk it.

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Ok i just wanna say i am thoroughly enjoying playing on ps4ā€¦ Regardless of the problems there may be.

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I donā€™t want boring skull baiting ai. Itā€™s dumb and everyone in guild wars will win 5-0. Zzzzz. If we get pc ai Iā€™d seriously be considering my future in gems. Iā€™d prefer what we have now to what I watch when tacetā€™s playing.


Btw a good team against the boring psion team is


Since des and amira canā€™t be triggered you try to refill them first, so if any korvash you one shot kill him with amira or if any moloc you one shot kill him with desdemon then you got extra turn in bonus and if you see any skull go for it desdemon will most of time one shot kill psion. Also sylvanira help you to not get drain by psion and also is crash test dummies and same for ogryn give +5 stats to red

Yeah of course sometime you will lost cause AI getting incrediblely lucky with fox and keep refill himself right after doing his magic but itā€™s doesnā€™t happen in every game

@Stan for alerting me. I donā€™t know if anyone is driving the ship after the investment of time/money on the console AI to just throw it out, if this proves to be the case based on your quote above.

I supposed getting the super easy, boring, completely brain dead, PC AI, based on October 26, 1985 tech is the simple solution to solving Justice League.:wink:

The third choice: actually FIX spawning on console. Export the AI.

@Shiratori said essentially the same thing above. I donā€™t think that gem spawning is really the problem. If it was, there would be more guild guardian teams running wild. I almost never seen any but Justice, though I did see a clever Humility team the other day and occasionally still see someone clinging to the old Courage/BD combo from days of yore.

Like @Dan_ozzzy189, I think Iā€™d stick with the status quo rather than revert to the old AI if thatā€™s what they are actually planning, and if I had a choice.


You donā€™t have the choice you need to eat the same carot then everyone

It was the spawning. Thing is letā€™s look at it in pieces.

Why Justice and not the rest? We see the rest except Sacrifice on defense but no where to the same degree. Justice is a guaranteed 2 stay buff. Atk and Life. Right there you have a set up where even if looping fails, the troops are already buffed up to make them harder to kill.

Synergy. Justice further enhances her buffs with Frozen enemies. Thatā€™s real easy to do thanks to Queen Mab. Further it self perpetuates. Ability goes off, get a 4 match, get someone else frozen, do more buffing next time. Plus just freezing the enemy hinders a great deal. What do the others buff off of? Entangle? Burning? Stun? Silence? Not horrible but nothing that overly helps or would appear in most situations. Plus Courage is the only other one that will guarantee buff Atk but 1 whiff and the opponent has a much easier time coming back.

Next. Gem Spawning. Something console mentioned for a long time and we were all crazy. Then PC gets some of this with their unity update and suddenly itā€™s a problem that needs to be fixed. This also lead to the discovery that gem creation wasnā€™t completely random which further lead to that being fixed. Then we hear a lot of ā€œI have 20 gems on the board and I whiffed on matching any.ā€ Regardless exactly how true that was, the pc players seemed to think that gem creators suddenly became useless or at least no where near as effective. Restrictions were put in for how often they can loop with tweaking apparently being ongoing since nothing else was said and Guild Wars became the latest source of salt.

Meanwhile we still have the old algorithm on console which is why Justice seems to match 4 every time (it doesnā€™t but it misses very rarely) and why troops like Elemaugrim and Webspinner can still loop themselves several times in a row. Not because the AI is playing it better but because the spell effect nicely gives it 1 extra turn after another.

Feel free to try Courage with Mab and I bet youā€™ll get similar results. Enemy frozen and your troops super buffed atk wise.

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The day Justice will be useless there is a bunch of no imagination guys who gonna cry cause they canā€™t get fast invasion wins and i will be there laughing at them and eat popcorn with a very big smile on my face and i will also light some fireworks for the occasion and sing na na na na hey hey hey goodbye :slight_smile: