The (Un)Official Console Weekly Event Thread 3 (No further updates)

I should probably wait at least until Sunday’s event announcement to see what a second ‘post holiday catch up week’ looks like, but your comment reminded me of a bit of a blow-up a few months ago when Mr. Strange tried to reassure us that even if it felt like we weren’t catching up, we were. The funny thing is, things are unfolding exactly as he suggested they would 4 months ago:

By his analogy, PC/Mobile has now ‘stepped off the moving walkway’ by dropping to one troop per week, while we will be racing along at 3-4 troops per week. I was rolling my eyes as much as anyone at the time, and I know the endpoint has been pushed back later than was originally planned, but to me, it really does look like things are coming together.

Now that we seem to be past the Sony/Microsoft delays, I like the pace that we seem to be moving (1 mythic per 2-3 weeks, 1 kingdom per month, 3ish troops per week).