The (Un)Official Console Weekly Event Thread 3 (No further updates)

I wholeheartedly agree with you Ricky. This needs to happen. We get bummed too often.

Syncro or not syncro?

So we only missing yasmine and wisp?

Donā€™t forget Asha

You are right so wisp yasmine asha and next pc mythic.

We are very close to catch up

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Too bad we canā€™t stomp on the pc/mobile players in gw. Oh, the ai is too hard, cry cry cry lol

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OP updated for this weekā€™s events.


Any thoughts on tomorrow or have we given up trying to guess at this point? Iā€™m UK so donā€™t get the forum post until after bedtime so just have to wait until morning and see.

Well i guess we gonna get wisp

Wisp and asha would be nice also that would mean we only miss 2 mythic and one of them coming this friday

Part of me thinks they might be holding wisp back for nerf testing after all the pc/mobile heat its got.

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Well if your are right the only missing troop is asha

Or a synchro release maybe with asha.

I agree. I see no logical or sensible reason why weā€™d get wisp. I also havenā€™t seen much logic or sense lately.
Wisp it is!
I really hope it isnā€™t.

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Donā€™t forget they released update on console even if they knew the impervious was broken so i wouldnā€™t be surprise to see wisp :slight_smile:

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My prediction : synchro with pc/mobile + wisp as a bonus troop

I donā€™t think weā€™ll get wisps in all seriousness.

Salty said they donā€™t see any problem with wisp

Ridiculous I know

Maybe surprise release of new kingdom :wink: