The (Un)Official Console Weekly Event Thread 2 (Current Event: Stormheim)

Are you the niko in the guild of thieves?

Missing Death too but happy I got War!

Robert check in guild chat and you will see a very strong team

I havent traited any of those :dizzy_face:

Well you should , it is so far the best team i ever had

yes whats your ingame?


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oh good to have u in same guild :smiley:

Won’t post it publicly? :slight_frown:

I traited 4th troop now. Need more arcanes for rest!

Only real thieves can use it successfully :o

@VegaDark541 there is a little clue you need 2 horsemen for this team :slight_smile:

So almost nobody could build it anyway if you posted it! :wink:

Alright since we playing against stupid ai i guess i can share


+3 att +1 magic

Not only do I not have plague and famine (nor have all the stones to trait them), but my Moloch and Gorgotha aren’t fully traited. So I wouldn’t even get to try that team for likely months even in a best case scenario, lol.

Curious though, why Moloch? Is it due to his spell draining mana? It was just used as an example as a troop that’s been almost completely surpassed by EK.

Moloch third trait -1 random stats combined with plague deal -3 on x4 gems

and he is a demon so i got the extra +3 att and +1 magic

Are those bonuses worth it over, say, a second plague making it -4 for x4 gems?

Moloch using red and can choose the target he want and 2 famine is really hard to fill and when every other troop are at 0 att and 0 magic, 2 plague suck cause you need to wait for a skull to finish fight

Also plague is broken right now his cast only reduce att magic and armor

I did a video to show how it is

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Looks effective but do you think it is better than Maw, ik, sheggra?