The new PvP is not pet rescue

Let me explain.

Battle events like pet rescue, class challenge, bounty, any of the weekly event games, journey, and Tower of Doom have one thing in common with PvP: you can only have one team for the event.

Take pet rescue as an example. There are 8 different battles to play, but you only have one team than you can use. You can change it whenever you want, but most players find a team that works well in pet rescue, set it for the pet rescue options, and forget it. They use it because it works with any of the team seen in pet rescue.

The other events I mentioned are the same: come up with one team and use it for the event. Sure, you might do some changes, but they are minor. Basically you are using the same team for the entire event.

PvP is different. In each Kingdom there are three separate battle choices and three separate difficulty levels. Depending on which one you pick, you’re going to want a different team to fight them. Just like in the old PvP. For example, a Leonis Tower enemy team requires a different team than one with, well, just about anything else. If you’re trying to play fast, you might select a lower ranked team which means you use a different team against them.

I haven’t played extensively in the new PvP, but this is the one big thing that’s so totally wrong with it that it could drive players away from it: you can’t have multiple teams of your own to choose from depending on the opposing team. While this isn’t a 100% deal breaker for me, it comes close. In order to use a different team I have to:
1 - save the current team (assuming I like it)
2 - go out to the main screen
3 - go to Collections
4 - find an empty slot and past the PvP team in it
5 - find the team I want to use for the particular battle in PvP
6 - copy the team
7 - exit Collections
8 - go to PvP
9 - select the Kingdom I was in before
10 - past the new team in place of the old one
(and I probably left out a few steps along the way but you should get the idea)
Now I can play with an optimized team for the team I’m fighting.

This could be so quick and easy. All your teams are in PvP. Scroll through the list and pick the one you want to use. Play. Just like in Explore.

The problem is that the new PvP is being treated as an event and it’s not. If it’s like anything (other than the old PvP) it’s like Explore. Multiple teams are needed depending on the level and opposing team. This has to be a simple fix because it’s already being used in other places.

Devs - please! PvP is NOT like pet rescue or any other weekly event. Please don’t treat it that way.


I am already short on team spots, the way it is now. Six guild war attack teams, six guild war defense teams, a couple of quick low level teams, a few multi-purpose ones…

I can not afford to reserve even one team spot for each of the new kingdoms.


I’m now just using an Excel spreadsheet to track the teams. Which means I can’t (or won’t) do PvP from mobile anymore unless the team is already populated because I’m not keeping copies of those spreadsheets on my phone. Yes, I could. But it’s just more effort than I’m willing to go to. I agree I’d like more team slots.


I also keep track of my teams, but in a notepad file instead of a spreadsheet. It allows for simple copying and pasting, especially when the game doesn’t remember the last team I used for a particular location. For example:

PvP Teams
Yellow : [1254,6870,6555,6540,3014,2,2,3,3,1,3,1,14034]
Green : [1220,7393,7095,6638,3015,2,2,3,3,1,3,1,14034]
Brown : [1056,6870,6746,6241,3004,2,2,3,3,1,3,1,14034]

Giant : [6926,1228,7232,6288,3022,2,1,1,3,2,3,2,14012] 

Suncrest : [1425,7436,6753,6331,3004,2,2,1,3,3,1,3,14030] 
Stormheim : [1390,6870,6816,6507,3022,2,1,1,3,2,3,2,14012]

Mistralus' Squad : [1220,6870,6746,6638,3007,2,2,3,3,1,3,1,14034]
Zuul Core : [6075,1220,6529,6638,3059,2,2,1,2,3,3,3,14016]

Considering the number of kingdoms, character types, and six colors, a lot of team slots would be required. Doesn’t matter, though, since we can’t swap teams by name on the fly like we can in Explore or could in old PvP.


…and this is why you don’t just do all your beta testing of these things on PC, because the things that are awkward and offer friction that notepad or a spreadsheet can file down to trivial nothings are simply not options on all 5 other platforms: xbox, playstation, switch, ios and android devices.

The new PvP could be amazing, but having to faff with recreating teams (especially when it’s currently bugged in some regions at least) is going to make people a. not bother or b. just stick to the central spire and maybe one of the colour options to keep things simple. Chasing the silver bonus around the map is currently infuriating, then looking at how much you need to get anything… you’re questioning it the hassle even worth it.


I agree. In the mean time you can always post your teams to guild chat. Then copy and paste from there.


nice workaround, thanks!

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There are keyboards for mobile that can save text clips. You can then give them shortcuts. SwiftKey can do that, for example.

I’ve set up a discord server for myself and added garybot to save (and show) my teams.

Ideally, the game should remember the last used team per restriction.

Comparing to pet rescue mode is extremely apt. Pet rescue stores multiple teams (one for each capturing team, I believe.) I have an anti-goblin team which populates against only the goblin capture team. When pet rescues were initially released, the fact you were fighting a different enemy team meant starting with a empty team slot. This only appeared to occur for a previously unseen enemy team. Once all teams had been populated, there was no need to start from an empty slot. I am not sure how many different pet rescue teams are stored per player, but it is certainly more than one. (Guessing like eight.)

Perhaps the new PvP mode could have a similar approach? One central team slot, six color-based team slots, and however many slots are needed kingdom/troop combinations. Clearly this approach has been considered and implemented previously.

For the doubters, it is simple enough to verify. Next pet rescue, note the enemy team and change the class/banner. When a different enemy team appears, verify the changes were not made to the team you are being offered to use. Of course, to truly verify how the team changes are working, one battle with the enemy team you changed for would be required.

As I write, this I realize the times when I most often make changes to my rescue teams are when a new class is released (Mydnight) and I want to get the 250 battles and class levels finished faster.

Even better allow the players to manage these event specific team slots themselves.

Happy holidays all.

What the thread starter requests, is the opposite to this. No pre-saved teams for kingdoms, but access to the general troop saves instead. The thought behind being, that every enemy team needs a different approach.
Like I said, I do not agree with this, as it would overstrain the amount of available troop slots by far. Like with Underspire, I am fine to run with what I got puzzled together once.

My thought was to put the event team slots in the players hands (maybe in collection where a list of user teams and a way to toggle to a list of event teams.) Hopefully allowing direct access to make the team editing a bit more streamlined. The idea of extra event slots was meant to be building on the idea of more universal access to the player’s collection.

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I let out a heavy sigh every time I see the Devs put an obstacle in my path towards enjoying the game.

Preventing me from choosing one team from any of my umpty-ump teams is exactly the sort of short-sightedness I have come to expect. While @Jerry_the_skunk may feel that one team can suit all opponents I am very much not of this opinion. It’s horses for courses and I don’t want to have to rebuild my current team each time if I just need to switch it out for a single match because it would fail hard against the next opponent.

If you must, put a pack of 10 PvP-only team-slots in the cash shop and see them fly off the shelves.

But until the ability to more easily change my team from within the game is available then I can live without pvp until GW rolls around.