The mess that is called Guild Wars

So when GW went offline for two weeks I was quite happy about it. I was getting worn down by playing against the same defense teams over and over again, to the point of considering to leave my guild and join a guild that doesn’t participate in GW. So I thought I could use the two weeks to recharge my batteries and come back to an improved GW…

Obviously I was wrong… :frowning:

GW was offline for two weeks and the only meaningful change is the scoring system (which wasn’t broken in the first place!!!) ? And even though many people warned in the preview thread that the implemented RNG driven scoring system was going to be a mess due to design flaws (you’re currently measuring luck, not skill) and lack of transparancy, the devs still implemented the new scoring system… :angry:

And the bugs in GW as well as the dispicably repetitive meta were not adressed, leaving players to return to the same feature as before the two week hiatus, but now with the added frustration of not knowing how to reliably aim for a high score and no other meaningful changes…

This is a very disappointing development!

Congratulations devs, but this just cost you at least one paying customer. I was contemplating another purchase as recent as 4 days ago (The endgame player dilemma), but that’s never going to happen now…