The Lion And the Unicorn

@Dust_Angel I have a weak alt. Sometimes this WE is annoying, because new players are having a hard time on it. Old time players always have no issue.

Are you suggesting that new-to-new-ish players don’t have a reasonable chance to have Tigraki Warriors?

His damage scales. That makes him ideal for weaker accounts :man_shrugging:

You can get him, but weak. Easily killed as well. Not enough stat to survive. Sometimes, you need to be in the shoes of the others to understand them. So I don’t normally go against @awryan complaints.

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See, but I agree with the “you can get him” yet disagree with the “but weak.” Especially because, for such a player, no troop would not be equally so.

For the sake of argument: how many gems does it cost to get the enchantment for the World Event? Surely less than the 300+ odd gems for any guild that manages only to complete the blue statue each week. Not the highest of bars for all but the newest accounts — and even they can sometimes be lucky and adopted into a guild family (like mine) which pumps that statue complete in a guild full of baby accounts that could not do so on their own.

Okay. Given that — Tigraki only needs 12 mana. That’s only surviving 6 passed turns, plus the the 4 to cast each one-shot (which obviously gets stronger as the enemies get stronger, to keep it one-shotting). So all one has to do in that meantime of the slowest-of-cases (as that worst-case assumes no red or brown mana matches available) is avoid skulls and, probably on rare occassion, mana-block a dangerous foe.

Seems pretty straightforward to me.

And the reason I didn’t redress awryan above is because I think he mischaracterizes me when he claims I’m “criticizing criticism.”

I’m not.

What I’m doing instead is saying simply: I don’t think World Events as-structured can be fun. Anyone looking for that is barking up the wrong tree. No matter the restrictions, no matter the lack thereof — The. Mode. Will. Not. Be. Fun

To me. Which is why in that section I started using the 1st-person pronouns. (Oddly, the people who might have the most availability to fun are the accounts who struggle most — because only these players have to strategically approach the board with each move, as in Wars).

Now, why do I say that? Well, because “fun” in this game to me isn’t anything besides the collection of resources and the progression of “power” said collections provide — kingdom stars, in effect. Battles are a means to that end in all cases and are equally boring EXCEPT

  1. in the case of Guild Wars battles, where every move matters and has high stakes (on the order of hundreds of gems)
  2. in Pure-Faction attempts at 500 using minimal (re: efficient, meaning potionless at 100 Hoard whenever and wherever possible) investment of resources.

What these two cases have in common is challenge. Overcoming challenge is fun. To me.

But what is not fun about World Events, to the people offering criticism they believe (erroneously, in my opinion, as there are vague complaints with little to no solutions proffered to alleviate them) to be constructive? That the restrictions are too tight? That there are any restrictions at all? How would expanding them or removing them make the mode better? Would it?

I don’t believe so. Because all the wider net allows is for a different choice of cheese — everyone who could would default to the META as with Dawnbringer in the Arena of old.

Because it’s efficient to do so. And then it would be even more boring to use the same thing for all things. And round and round the argument goes chasing its own tail.

If the issue instead is that “Ubastet doesn’t get to shine in this event,” or “my favorite weapon in this kingdom isn’t a choice,” or something similar — isn’t that really rather a criticism of so many troops and weapons being effectively useless, especially given how the lazy implementation of event medals makes Blade Dancer a better troop than Draakulis, Euryali, Scourge of Honor, et al, than it is of world events themselves?

I think so.


It is too long. I’ll get stressed out. I will just agree. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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You don’t have to agree just because I was long-winded :joy:

I was just attempting to better delineate the nuances of my position, since the shorter post didn’t seem to convey what I intended :slightly_smiling_face:

Maybe they are also just giving feedback like you do? An actually agreeing with you, just highlighting the parts where they feel different in order to not post the very same thing again?

For what’s it worth, I tend to rate world events based on how tedious they feel playing them. I don’t really care how many troops or weapons I can use, as long as I can throw together four of them that get the job done reasonably fast. I also like at least some variety in battles (Bounty 20 = bad), the feeling that shop tiers bought have some positive impact (skull medals without viable skull troops = bad) and some scoring that doesn’t require the whole guild to go broke in order to unlock all rewards (tier 6 mandatory = bad). This week I’m tending at least towards “good”.


Devs are like “We’re soooooo popular right now, let’s require tier 4 this week by 30 people to close all the world event portals.”

:person_facepalming: Flarkin Idgits

Feel free to criticize my criticism.

I won’t then criticize your criticism of my criticism. :recycle:

I like the world event restrictions, make me think out of the box, build never seen teams.
I deliberately avoid the one-hit teams like blade dancer, they are boring.
A full faction team can be used in this event, at least the 3 useful troop, plus hero and your team is good.
Skull lovers can build a decent skull team despite the medal do not supports it. A class with the cunning tree, hellclaw warrior for double dmg against burning enemies, Indrajit to curse and burn them. Let the spanking begin.
Another team, use secrets of the crypt with a class with fireblade talent.

I like this event, but I like rakshas as well.
Oh and I am pretty sure 3 tiers are enough. I have 1104 points and I avoided werecat in the last 3 days, salamander is much easier and much lower level for me.

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All 6 battles are now available with an equal chance of appearing.
I can’t agree with this.
"equal chance"Is this a random chance?
I have enough resources, but…
I’m angry that I spent a lot of precious time in my life on this lie.

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Yeah, fair enough.

I think there’s more than one conversation going on here, and I ignored that one, lol.