The Elders are recruiting - an active, friendly guild. High level, easy requirements

The Elders are currently looking for two new members. We are an active, friendly, relaxed guild. We are high level players, but will allow lower level players to join us (with very easy lowered requirements). We collaborate in the in game chat with discussion of strategies for weekly events. We always get 40k seals quickly. We complete normal weekly tasks and some epics (and sometimes all epics, and some legendary tasks). If you’re new to the game and not in a active guild already, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the rewards you’ll get after joining a guild (keys, diamonds, shards, gems, etc.).

If you’ve been in a hyper-competitive guild and need to scale back a bit for your mental and physical health, we just may be the right kind of guild for you. Moving to a middle-tier (Rank 262), relaxed guild may be exactly what you need to enjoy the game again rather than just grinding till you burnout.

Our requirements are 60k gold and 600 seals per week with no specific trophy requirement (very easy!). We also do require that you help with weekly guild events (invasion, raid, etc.). You don’t have to grind away if you don’t want to - just chip in some (even just a couple of battles, to show that you tried it). If there are two events going on (like GW and invasion), and you don’t enjoy one of them, you can just do some on one of them.

If you are a newer player, you don’t need to contribute any gold at first. If you have not leveled your kingdoms to 10 yet, you can focus on that before contributing. If you play even a moderate amount, then 600 seals should be no problem. 60k gold is nothing for mid to higher level players. Most of us voluntarily contribute much, much more gold than that to increase the rewards for all of us while still allowing a few new players who are leveling kingdoms the waiver on the gold requirement.

We have Discord too (optional), but it’s not as active as our in-game chat. We mostly use it to notify each other about pet rescues, and to keep track of tower rooms.

Hello there! I would be interested in joining your guild, in fact I’ve just created this account in this community to redact this message. My only question is if I have to be active in the chat, I mean, I’m active in-game but in my actual guild I do not chat at all, man I don’t even know If they have written anything ever.

I’m level 663 and increasing, I can easily donate and do the events with great pleasure. If you need more info let me know, I will be activating the notifications in this post just in case you read me and there is any available spot.

Hi, we’d be glad to have you. No you don’t need to participate in the chat (many members never are in chat). It will be useful for you to check it occasionally though. We share team suggestions for weekly events, and keep track of rooms in the tower events (also in discord). If you send me your invite code (in the game settings) I’ll send you an invitation.

Then I’ll keep an eye on the chat and discord server! My invite code is ANTONIA_44, I’m looking forward to receive the invitation and thanks in advance.

Sorry, for some reason I don’t get notifications of replies for a while sometimes here. I’ll go invite you right now.

Don’t worry, I just woke up and saw the invitation. Already joined and ready to contribute.