The biggest threat of the 2Manti/DB/BD team is

The biggest threat to that team is the mythic coming this Friday. :stuck_out_tongue:

Take away, or reduce, penalties for losing defence games.

Dont count and show the wins/losses on screen.

Dont include them in your win percentage.

Provide a means for rewarding those who vary their teams… perhaps a resource boost percentage for creating a number of defence teams that differ from known repetitive meta teams.

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Goblins or rock worm. Remember those?

Did you forget? Or was it a rhetorical question and you’re pulling our legs?

Spoilers damn, also it is not a bad mythic, seems like reinhart from overwatch.

Just want to say that you’re wrong when you say it isn’t dangerous. It’s certainly annoying. But it’s also deadly. You shouldn’t underestimate that team. It’s very snowbally. If your match doesn’t start off perfectly you can lose very easily, from my experience.

It’s one of the only defenses I’ve tried that gets a 50% win rate. Bombot was the only other one that was mainstream that I tried and had a consistent win rate. I am level 600 if that says anything.

It’s also the only team that I consistently struggle against. I can take on any other team and beat it in time with the right counters. The most success I’ve had is with Emperor K/Valk/Ysa/Anariel because of its resiliency.

Manticore has no inherent counters unlike practically any other troop.

He does too much for the cost and for his rarity.

I think it’s wrong for any self buffing attack troop to be impervious and should be able to get entangled. The only exception should be a mythic, in my opinion.

This is especially true if the troop also has a very annoying and cheap skill to go against AND is empowered. I don’t think it should be able to be such a huge threat in all those ways on its own. It should have a specific role.

Either it should be an empowered mana drain (annoying to face, but not a huge threat), or it should be an impervious attacker (with a weaker mana drain and not empowered). I don’t think it should be an all in one troop.

I think it’s very unfair for a troop to be able to get 40 attack on their first turn when there’s really no way to prevent it (empowered) or counter it (entangle). This is particularly true if there’s more than one manticore.

And then you pair it with bone dragon whose skill is relatively cheap for what it does. Because it’s cheap it’s fills really quickly, especially if the ai gets lucky cascades or the board is cleared of manticores colors. And then the 40+ attack of manticore rips through you. It wouldn’t be a problem if this didn’t happen by turn 3-6 most of the time.

So you either have to get lucky and be faster, or you have to build a very resilient team. I’ve tried so many combos and things people say are “easy” and I bait the manticores but it seems to almost always be faster. I use Spirit Fox and drain bone dragon… he gets his mana magically back next turn and it’s gg. Even with a gorgotha. I’m basically just saying this card should have some kind of a counter other than building the tankiest deck you possibly can. You should still have to worry about the mana drain and playing smartly with the board, but you shouldn’t also have to worry about his massive attack + bone dragon.

I wouldn’t mind losing so much if it didn’t feel so unfair. Like when I lose against a Famine team I don’t get as frustrated because I know it’s almost always something I did or didn’t do that caused it. Here I do everything as best as I can (baiting, blocking, picking the best “counters”) and still get smoked by pure dumb ai luck. Lucky cascades. Every time.

At least with most teams you can combat your bad luck with boards by using certain teams and you also have more time to right your horrible starting board.

I just think his power is out of line compared to pretty much any other troop. No troop of his rarity can do as much as he can, or as quickly. He also beats out a lot of legendaries.

/ end novel


The obvious solution to having 2 manticores up front is Khorvash. :smiley:


Khorvash is great, less great when you can’t power him up because the Manticores keep draining your Valkyrie, which is still better than draining your Khorvash, because that would stun him.

Not a huge fan of this meta, but at the same time, it’s better than plowing through defenses while half-asleep, so…oh well?

It was tongue-in-cheek, mostly.

Yes, Khorvash is a good counter but he’s also the #1 most prevalent troop in PVP after BD and Manticore.

Well i checked a couple guys stats and manti team are not the best defense, everyone i checked with this team got 2-3x more defense lost then def win. It is boring team but clearly not the best

Again, the problem isn’t really this particular team. It could be Rock Worms & Deep Borer; it could be Goblins; it could be Maw/Mercy/IK/Sheggra; it doesn’t matter. The problem is that the game has gone far too long without trying to institute anything to prevent any given specific team from rising to become the plurality (or even worse, majority!) choice. Something needs to be done to keep the game healthy and vibrant - the whole “sharply reward uncommon teams” seems to be the frontrunner as far as organic solutions go.

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Problem is, it’s easy to make a unique team, and very hard to make a unique team that wins. So if you over-reward uniqueness, you’ll see Brian the Luckies, Dwarven Miners, etc. which will make offense boring. It’s a hard problem, and not one that diversity itself will solve.

You want people to try to make winning defenses, given constraints.


At the very least, I think pvp point losses on defense should be removed. The devs may not want to reward uniqueness, but they shouldn’t punish experimentation.

To be honest i don’t see them so often only one guy use it in my rival list

I don’t agree with this, what is the point of making a defense team if you put anything and it doesnt change anything.

Before the update it was like this and i found it boring to fight against lonely paesan

Well, to add some qualifiers to that, strictly speaking you only need to make a relatively unique team that wins enough.

Let’s throw out arbitrary numbers - what if a very uncommon team with a 20% win rate on defense gave rewards equal to what you’d get from an extremely common team with a 75% win rate? What if the rewards were greater? People would have no reason to skate by with bandwagon teams if they could get better payouts by being creative and experimenting.

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They just need to rework the AI if it was better we would see more diversity but the AI is so dumb. As exemple gorghota keep casting when entire team is full, if they could put a priority on the other troops when they are full it would be much better. But for now the AI is just good to change gem color and drain mana

Also it is not normal someone with much lower stats then you can win so easy. So many time i log in and see i lost against someone that i had 2-3x his stats

Well 1) reworking an AI system isn’t a “just”, and 2) there’s nothing inherently wrong with most people winning most fights. Winning is fun! But getting those wins with extremely little variety, slogging through the same teams over and over again…now THAT’S boring.

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This is because we fight against the same 10-15 people we should be able to fight against more

One-troop teams are still occurring in the current system, and defense point losses encourage that.

A one-troop team will have a lower power rating, resulting in fewer pvp points lost. For me, a one-troop team loses 2 or 3 points on a defense loss, while a full team loses 6 or 7. You need a defense with a good win percentage (like these meta teams) to make the full team worth while.

Under those conditions, it’s far less punishing to put up a one-troop defense than an experimental team that turns out to be bad.