The 2nd GoW Forum Fantasy Series: The Draft

It’s right there, on the right side of the same spreadsheet.

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I’m pretty sure that’s on there

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Don’t tell me how to judge! I judge when I please! :wink:


Eh my phone isn’t being cooperative with showing much.

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And just so, I tell you how to judge whenever I please.

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I will however judge you for how you judge

Just go check in, I had a 50 minut phone call so couldn’t pick earlier. I will proceed to troop picking now, and will say my pick very soon.

Going fast enough for you now?

So far, what, 6 picks in 6 hours? not so bad.

Though don’t expect it to keep that way forever. There will definitely be times when people’s sleep hours will get in the way.

I’ve participated in Fantasy Drafts with 800+ picks before, this is a breeze comparatively

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@TaliaParks I have a question about troop order. Can a team’s order be shifted within a series? Such as moving a 4th slot troop with a 2nd slot troop against a team that the changed order would work better against.

I approached Dryad, she looked at me and I could see by her face that she was intrigued by this.
“You. You will be my story character.”
“May I ask why?” She smiled.
“Because of obvious reasons of course.”
“You prefer busty chicks instead of Luther?”
“Yes Dryad. But you will have to excuse me, because it’s not your time to be picked”
“Oh” She seemed surprised,“Then who will it. .” But before she could complete her question she noticed something big started diving from the sky directly to our location. “What is it”, she asked frightened, “Is it a bird? Is it a plane?”
“Don’t be sillly little Dryad, we don’t have plains in this game (yet!?!). It’s a dragon!”
“Ow a dragon, I heard they are the strongest creatures in Krystara”
“Yes they are little dryad”
“But won’t that dragon hurt himself when falling with such high speed”
“Oh don’t worry about her”, I responded, “CELESTASIA has a divine shield which protects her from damage”
And then the ground around us shaken as Celestasia landed right next to me.
“Oh she’s so pretty” Dryad was very amused." Can we keep her?"
“We will keep her”


That was allowed last time so it should be the same this time.

I’m all for changing your line-ups each battle.

The only problem I can see is if you change, then your opponent’s does and you want to change again. Wonder how I can prevent endless cycling… Hmmmm…:open_mouth:

Charge 1 point per team change.

To clear things up since my English can be faulty at times, I choose Celestasia :dragon_face:.

@Grimmorith you are next :slight_smile:

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After the first change. That one should always be free.

Noooooo the dragon i wanted.

Or just do a blind thing where they tell the commish before the round and that’s it.

@TaliaParks Is it official now that someone can unlock the ability to shuffle their team for the cost of 1 point?