The 2nd GoW Forum Fantasy Series: 4 vs 13

Celestasia is there to target paladin, she doesn’t need extra hp she has barrier. And paladin covers celestasia, himself and rowanne.

What barrier? Golem removes it AND still removes her armor. You have nothing to remove my barrier making your skull and Paladin damage useless. Rowanne may eventually get to it, but you are completely blocking her mana.

You keep talking about golem like he is going to survive past second round, or third if he gets lucky :laughing:
It ain’t going to happen :smirk:
You really had to put him away for him to make at least a small difference :relieved:

It takes Celestasia 3 hits to kill Golem with skulls. All I would have to do is steal your blues and yellows for myself then use Dryad on Golem. They you have to deal with an 18+ HP Golem with barrier. You also only have one board control troop, which costs 14 mana. I can cycle extra turns around you like crazy with an explosion, a remove spell, and a spawn spell. That is 3 different board control effects at my disposal.

Let’s keep pretending your golem is going to live :slight_smile:

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Even if I completely ignore buffing my Golem, I can just give all the buffs to Cyclops. Your Celestasia won’t have a shield when you kill Cyclops leaving a 20+ attack lead with over 30 HP fighting your team. You waist a turn every time you use Runesmith’s ability. The only ability that waists a turn on my team is Cyclops, but it will claim a kill nearly every time.

You are acting like Celestasia is strong when Celestasia can easily die before she gets a cast off.

I think it depends if Cyclops can kill off Celestasia quickly (since that’s his only target til she goes down) vs how long Celestasia can keep healing and buffing herself.

DonBoba said he won’t cast heal on Celestasia. If he does, I remove the blues buffing me up even more. Celestasia will easily die before Golem. Donboba has the disadvantage of having a random gem spawn dependent on who he chooses to heal. Dryad consistently does the same thing, so I can protect anyone as I choose.

You are acting like she isn’t :slight_smile:
She is as strong as 2 of your troops.
And a fun fact rowanne deals 36 damage without any buffs from my “useless” runesmith. And without blessing hitting magic or armor.
You use your gazer to buff your Cyclops you will lose your turn. Doing so you leave more reds on board for runesmith buff. And did I mention his buff gives more attack then your gazer? Besides giving armor which also is very bad news for you :slight_smile:

Golem will reduce that down to about 10-16 before she can have a spec of mana. You are 100% blocking her with troops, plus my Star Gazer removes blues.

Removing blues can easily gain an extra turn. The attack buff for Cyclops doesn’t need to be used on the first turn. I can hold it a turn or 2 until it gives an extra turn.

Removing blues will be lucky to give him +1 extra buff. He also costs a lot of mana that you have to fill manually.

I love you 2. Best debates since the squirrel and pony went at it.


:joy: sure

You know what’s the single most important difference between our teams? You could run my team in game and beat any opponent, you couldn’t do the same with yours.

Don’t forget that explosion also gives 70% of the mana exploded + whatever cascades occur. It can cycle like crazy versus a team like yours with minimal board control. Your whole team is based around a blocked Rowanne that will either have its armor sapped or my team buffed before it can ever do anything effective. Barrier also completely blocks her ability on one troop, so if It is just Dryad and Star Gazer vs Rowanne and Runesmith, Rowanne just lost half of he damage output.

LOL! Someone obviously doesn’t know how to use a 3x3 explosion is a match 3 game. :wink: My team in game results in a team with HIGHER stats than what it started with as well as Cyclops 1 shoting everything. Due to the level and kingdom restraint, it would be 2 shots in this series, but still very effective.

I’l make a video for it later, but our match-up will likely be done before I get to it.

I have played everybody’s team in-game (except the one with Psion, my only missing Troop) and they all are very viable and can beat almost any Team. You just have to play them right.

But here, this is head-to-head, something I cannot test. That’s why we have the voting :wink:

Can we PLEASE have a danger room where we can test build vs. Other builds?


That would be up to the devs and there would have to be quite a number of restrictions so it wouldn’t be abused.

3 of my troops: celestasia, rowanne, and paladin are frequently used by players in PvP.
Now lets see how many from your team?

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What possible abuse could comene of it? You get no rewards other than you get to test build vs. Other builds.

To fully test it you would need all troops unlocked and all traits given and leveled accordingly. If that were done, what’s the motivation for that person to play the game as intended? Hence why some restrictions are needed.

Working on it :wink:

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