The 2nd GoW Forum Fantasy Series: 3 vs 14

“I’ll be here… until the next draw. I’M TAKING THE GREAT MAW ASAP.”

Better hope for that 1 or 2 pick.

Or trade well.

Really? Cause I’m looking at a self-resuscitating Infernal King. He gets eaten. He comes back. A bit of Indigestion? HELL YEAH!!!

That depends on if the rules for summons are as per the in-game rules right now. He gets eaten, he comes back with brain damage and a limp.


I think we’d discuss it since some things we go with how it is, like summons, and other things we go with how it’s supposed to be like Moloch’s Suppression (we don’t go with the unkillable glitch.) So we’ll look at the wording and go from there.

IF’s Immortal trait states: 30% chance to resurrect after death.

Devour Destroys a Troop.

What happens in the game when this happens? (Console player here)

From what @Tacet said when I asked the same thing, he has a 30% chance to come back from anything that kills him, spell, skull, or Devour. As of now though, his rebirth is Trait-less so it only would occur the one time.

And level one. But his ability doesn’t really scale with level just the upfront dmg

At least for our series most people would look at his ability and view that as the main reason to use him with the added “he can sometimes come back” as a bonus as to whether or not that team would win. Likewise, the Maw devour everyone glitch should be discounted, but if someone does have a Maw/Skull Dragon team, I’m sure it’s very valid to view it as, “If Dragon gets off his skill with Maw on point, that target is going down by Skull or Devour.”

Of course they’d all still die to goblins. Even nerfed, never let them get a turn again!


Yup, my goblin team is going into overtime when the consoles get Drifting Sands

Mind if i join you. I liked your team and i hope to face you one day.

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30% chance you get a level 15 Inferno King with no abilities as of 1.9.0, I can confirm from experience

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