Let me just go on record and say that my level of apathy toward my rank is so high as to approach infinity plus 2.
If I were ranked dead last in the system, I couldn’t care less. I mean that. It just does not matter to me. As long as I can donate to a guild and continue working on my troops, I am utterly impassive in this regard.
This is not false modesty, it is just my feeling about leaderboars in general. More power to those that enjoy them. I salute you. Truly. Yet, I am just not personally motivated by a leaderboard.
HOWEVER…and let me stress a big, insanely huge and massive (possibly muscular) BUT here…
I really want to hit Tier 1 weekly for the rewards. And the fact that all of this ranked …stuff… is preventing that or may continue to thwart this inalienable right of Krystara citizens in the future makes me the mayor of Crazy Town by a landslide victory.
So what do you think? Why am I here posting instead of popping a cap in the lower tiers? I keep winning and I keep staying at Rank 14. Now you might say, wait dude! It is going to be fixed. Well … maybe … but this new ranked focus has me worried. In fact, after running the “numbers” I had to take a personal moment (pictured below in spirit).
Now that I have blown off some steam (pun intended), it is time for threats. THREATS I TELL YOU.
Do you know what I am doing right now instead of playing Gems of War? Can you guess?
I thought you could. You guessed it: in order to avoid breaking out some heat-seeking Latin, drawing my sword, and rushing into the fray that for me shall always be remember as “2.0 Tier Taco Tuesday”, I have developed a technique that works for me–
I AM CRAFTING tiny freaking origami like voodoo dolls of certain programmers and sticking pins in them until I have regained some equanimity and my usual overweening aplomb.
BUT TAKE NOTE AND PHEAR! This is not an idle threat as I scream the words of power into the air: MARSHA, MARSHA, MARSHA!
I am pretty sure some of the devs are going to end up either stubbing their toes or … maybe even a having a case of indigestion–AFTER FEASTING ON MY SALTY, SALTY TEARS–primarily due to the evil doll with three red pins in the upper left hand corner. Next time, they might think twice before stealing my TIERS from me (pun intended).
;tldr man-feelings hurt, mayor of Crazy Town, now code named, “Princess.”