Tech Support


New Epic Troop: Corben Half-Elf

Corben Half-Elf will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks’ time.

World Event: To Catch A Thief

There are 6 battles that players can encounter during the event: Frostfire Troll, Glass Golem, Bile Blackheart, Baphomet, Ishtara, and Elemaugrim. Battles cycle through a series of rounds that repeat each time.

  • Round 1 – This round contains an equal chance of the battles against Frostfire Troll, Glass Golem, Bile Blackheart and Ishtara battles. After defeating one of the battles, players will move to round 2.
  • Round 2 – This round contains an equal chance of the battles against Frostfire Troll, Glass Golem, Bile Blackheart and Baphomet battles. After defeating one of the battles, players will move to round 3.
  • Round 3 – This round contains an equal chance of the battles against Frostfire Troll, Glass Golem, Ishtara and Elemaugrim battles. After defeating one of the battles, players will move back to round 1.

You can find the following rewards for each of the different battles you may encounter.

  • Frostfire Troll: 7 Coins
  • Glass Golem: 7 Coins
  • Bile Blackheart: 5 Coins and 2 Treasures
  • Baphomet: 5 Coins and 2 Treasures
  • Ishtara: 5 Treasures
  • Elemaugrim: 5 Treasures

Each Coin is worth 2 points, and each Treasure is worth 5 points.

It would be my luck the week I miss posting there is a blog literally called tech support :woman_facepalming:t2:

Jeto (she/they) - Support Human :woman_mage:t2:


Here’s the usual weekly breakdown from myself and the chest rates from Fourdottwoone


Static magic skill? Howcome, it would not be overpowered or something without, letting the medals help it from the start and team bonuses etc.

Why are we having so much issues with your post servers and how long this game been out. You need to fix it and stop worrying about the next stupid patch that’s why alot ppl quitting it pos slow ass out dated servers

That’s from biggmacc75