[Tech Issue] Stuck on game title screen

Platform, device version and operating system:
Xbox 1

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
I expected the game to start when I pressed A. Instead, it’s just stuck on this screen. I can return to my Xbox home screen, and other games are loading just fine.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
It began this morning and has continued all day. I tried restarting my Xbox and shutting it down completely and trying a few hours later. But it still won’t load the game.

Steps to make it happen again
Trying to start the game. :laughing:

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Restart your wifi. Its a wifi problem. Same thing happens on switch(instead of us switch players restarting our routers we just turn on airplane mode for awhile then turn it off and hit retry then it loads the game just fine) try this if it doesn’t work submit a ticket.

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Like SilverStream, my first thought is to do connection troubleshooting, as it freezes right on the Xbox login - which usually indicates the game server is having issues connecting to Xbox Live.

Here are the connection troubleshooting steps we get people to run through:

If you still have issues after doing this troubleshooting please let me know.

I’ve tried turning the router off and back on. That didn’t work. I’m thinking now that it might be an Xbox issue because my Xbox notifications & chat won’t load, either. Other games still load, though. Someone else suggested uninstalling & reinstalling the game, but I can’t uninstall it (or any other game). When I click to uninstall, it does absolutely nothing, just like when I push “A” to start the game. I guess I need to contact Xbox support. :confused:

OMG, I just unplugged my Xbox and plugged it back in. I didn’t think that would actually do anything! Not sure why that worked when shutting down and restarting the Xbox didn’t, but it seems to be all good now! :+1:


That’s an odd fix but glad it worked - honestly usually the first thing I suggest people do despite the IT Crowd ruining it “Have you tried turning it off and on again?” - but it’s a god tier troubleshooting step haha. I mean the connection troubleshooting was have you tried turning your router off and on again - so I was close? :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s always the first thing I try. I sometimes pull the plug for good measure.

Devices are human, too. They sometimes need some time off. :wink:


I realize this is resurrecting an old topic, but I had a very similar error begin occurring about an hour before writing this post, and this topic was suggested instead of creating a new bug/technical issue report. My problem was that I could get the game to attempt to log in, but it wouldn’t advance beyond that point (see included image). I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game, but it still didn’t resolve the issue. I then disconnected and reconnected the power supply for my Xbox and the game successfully launched to the playable portion of the game.

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I just wanted to thank you for this. I couldnt get on yesterday due to this. I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling. Searched this forum, found this and it worked. So again, thank you.


I’m checking with the team if there is anything we can do about this, it seems purely like a tech issue on the console though so I don’t think there’s anything we can do to the game itself to prevent this.

I’ll double check the help center says to unplug from the wall in the Xbox troubleshooting as well.


If anyone else has this issue, next time it happens can you please follow these steps and let me know if it works? If these steps work then it might tell us if there’s possibly something wrong with the way the game handles specific issues in rare cases vs it being caused by something outside our control:

  1. Press the Xbox button to open the guide.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select Network.
  4. Select Network Settings
  5. Select Advanced Settings
  6. Select Alternate MAC Address
  7. Select Clear
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Lately there has been a similar effect to Dvader83. But it stuck on ‘autorisation’.
PC win10 Steam.
Restart Seam as administrator helps.

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