[Tech issue - more info needed] PC Control issue

Platform, device version and operating system:
PC, Steam, Windows 10
Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
I have multiple issues with control on PC when using a mouse, some that happen every time and some that are more sporadic. One that occurs every time is that something appears to constantly be pressing scroll left… for example when I look at a troop, the cards are constantly shifting so fast I can barely even read them. Clicking outside of the cards gets me out of it, but the problem doesn’t go away, and happens on any screen that has similar pages to shift through. Another is that sometimes my mouse cursor becomes locked in the center of the screen and will barely move before snapping back to the middle. Alt-F4 is the only way I can get out of it. These problems occur with and without controller support enabled, I even went as far as disconnecting any controllers that were connected to my PC and removing them completely from the device list.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Every time I launch the game. It began happening maybe in the last month? I don’t play on PC often (normally on Android) so I can’t be more specific.

Steps to make it happen again
Launch the game.

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Hey, this sounds like an issue with peripheries, I’m glad you already tried unplugging any controllers as that was going to be my first question/troubleshooting step.

I know you’ve unplugged your controllers, did you relaunch the game after doing so to see if that resolved the issue?

If the issue continued happening with the controllers all unplugged, do you happen to have anything that could mimic a controller, for example a drawing tablet, joystick, I once had a player with the wii remotes connected.

If you had anything like Wii remotes connected, you may also have a piece of software to help your PC support that which may be affecting your other input devices, like your mouse, in GoW due to the settings in that program even when the controllers it supports aren’t plugged in, so you could check that as well.

General troubleshooting for cursor issues which may be worth trying even if it appears to be the game picking up on a controller:

  • Ensure your mouse drivers are up to date
  • Ensure the mouse is plugged in properly, or if it’s wireless that it has a good charge on it
  • Try plugging in the mouse cable or the adapter into a different USB port to see if the issue still occurs

Please let me know how you go with these.

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I figured it out, it was a 3d mouse driver that I have never been able to uninstall despite the device not being connected to my computer in over 3 years. I disabled the driver and the control problem went away. No idea why it should be affecting the game when the device isn’t even connected, though.