Teams for Speed: Classes & Gnomes

I find Slayer class is great with this team due to the bleed-on-death. (if you still need Slayer XP, which I do). For example stat-boosted Hydra this week “survives” the DD casts with 2 hp, but gets 3 stacks of bleed applied and dies immediately when the turn switches, no need for wand cast even


This team is stellar, thanks for sharing!

With slayer class, haven’t seen anything survive turn 2 yet :smiley:


Thanks! I’m loving that sweet, sweet Class Exp. Only way to better it would be to have 2 Ironhawks and replace a DD, but I unfortunately don’t have a second copy.

Scratch that, actually. 2x DD cast does 20 to all troops (10 from DD, 10 from IH). 1x DD with 2 IH would only do 15 (5 from DD, 10 from IH). So this team is actually optimal for the highest speed you can get on E1 with Class Exp.


Without needing class xp, this team is quite fast…

Sister Superior
Dust Devil

Sister has extra turn, so it all gets done in one turn (2 actions). This is for E01 battles. The team does 25 damage overall, so never leaves residue.


Greed would be better than superior in this case, for that extra gold.

‘Greed’ explodes a gem at the start of battle though, that’s another 1-3 secs of waiting for the board to settle. So it’s down to what’s more important to you.


Does this still work when you spawn a legendary soul gnome?

that would require 3 cast, as legendary soul gnome have more than 20 total health and armor

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Works with any class/weapon (other than Sunspear)
Explore LVL01-03 - Dungeon - Most of the Adventure B.

True, it should be a small percentage of battles unless it’s a gnome weekend. I’m hype for ironhawk on switch!

We have a few fast teams for gnome weekends. This is one I built and can one shot E1 fairly consistently on turn 1 assuming no respawns.
It takes a short while to get used to which troop to fire, but once you get used to it you normally have a troop clicked on and ready to fire as soon as the match has started.
It’s fast enough to refill if there are spawns too.


I’ve been using this to lv Elemental Class, might be a teeny bit faster than double DD team due to sometimes getting extra turn off Leprechaun explosion. Also, it works on explore Lv3 for a little extra gold than explore lv1.

Black Manacles
The Maraji Queen


I think I’ll be using the double DD team instead. It probably faster unless you get a 4 match on green or blue.

I think you forgot that Ironhawk does 5 to all enemies per cast per Ironhawk. With 2 Dust Devil 2 Ironhawk team Each cast of DD does 5+ the 2 Ironhawks 10 making 15 per cast with 2 casts. (30 total dmg) However the Sister Superior DD IH IH team does 25 and is faster because you do not have to hand the enemy a turn to make 4 matches and casts etc and that is enough to clear. With the 1 IH team and 2 DD (20 dmg) plus hero with Wizard’s Wand you can get some class xp and if you pick Blackhawk, Sin of Miraj or Wild Plains the effective health of the enemies is enough that unless you are fighting some of the mini boss you can cast let them have a turn and cast again to clear rarely needing to cast once more. The giving up the turn really costs you in speed sometimes as does the occasional extra cast. Unless you have the double DD setup and go without hero I would prefer the Black manacles, Rowanne, Miraji Queen, Leprechaun build for a leveling hero + speed kill team as especially if using a storm you often get an extra turn of Leps cast and it always full clears. I wouldnt suggest using it above E1 mode though in some kingdoms as there are sometimes troops that resummon when killed and that slows you down.

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Thanks for correcting me, you’re absolutely right! Not sure what I was thinking :joy: I really want to craft another IH, but I’m so close to completing my collection…

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All of my classes are fully levelled.
I used this for all of them.
Sunspear is the default but works with any class.
I found the fastest way to collect xp (and a lot of gold) is by doing 1T casual pvp which gives 2xp per match. It is faster than ranked pvp because the grapics between matches is faster.

Fast gnome finding team Lev 1 Wild Plains explore
The Marajii Queen gives Rowanne 50% mana

I have a Dusty, IHx3 team to look for gnomes/verses
but use the above for a poopy-pa-loser run !