Task order should be reconsidered

Why would order matter? Your decision to buy a pass is based upon rewards given - not a minor obstacle.

I think you’re accidentally replying to a different thread. I put what I’m talking about in the first paragraph, and this thread has nothing to do with Elite Pass.

A minor obstacle might be the case for mid to high end players. For a new player the very same obstacle may be insurmountable. It could be a resource issue, it could be that the guild is so new that they get far fewer turns than we do at a treasure map. And if that’s the case then it’s gonna cost gems that they probably don’t have. Campaign is incredibly unfair on new players in this respect. I certainly won’t be buying any passes until I see things pan out for the entirety of this campaign. Correction…I won’t be buying any pass, ever.


Everything is unfair to a new player … that’s the nature of being a new player.

However, this game - perhaps unique to other mobile games - has so much to do, that does it really matter? And no energy bar to limit how much you want to do. Nor dumb timers between timers. When I started this game, I was amazed at the # of things available to me. I couldn’t complete a pet rescue, but that didn’t prevent me from playing.


Yes it definitely does matter. Why would outgunned players stick around?

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Why play a game if you expect to be #1 the second you load it?

Rofl. That statement is so ludicrous it defies comprehension. Love it

I think we don’t have them like in other games, but the amount of unnecessary clicks, UI window’s changes, animations for the rewards, Delves, Sigils and Valravens looks TO ME like an artificial timegate to prevent a player from doing things.

Speaking only for me: I would be fine with an Energy Bar IF that would put GoW closer to be a better game than it is now. Playing Delves, for example, I almost hate when I get a chest upgrade because that animation takes A LOT of time.

It reaches a point I don’t think there is even a point about having x4 Speed animations for battles if the devs will make things cumbersome on purpose just to prevent the players from playing… Sure, I understand there is a fine balance to be achieved with the ingame economy, but putting more and more barriers like that is, IN MY OPINION, worse than some energy bar present in other games.

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Not all frustration is bad. Not all frustration is good. Don’t polarize it into “awwww does baby want their hand held” because it’s condescending and makes it look like you don’t actually have a reason behind your belief.

The frustration of a newbie is more or less a “good frustration”. (This is subjective, not everyone agrees.) The game shows them how much they could do… then thwarts them because they lack the troops or weapons or classes or money to buy Tier VII a handful of times. This frustration is solved by making progress, which comes from regular play or outright buying gems to inefficiently convert to troops or whatever. This frustration is key to hooking players and shouldn’t change.

But not all frustration’s “good frustration”. Sometimes you can’t make a move to solve the problem, it’s just “a problem” and you wonder why it’s there. Crashes are that kind of frustration: you lose progress for no reason. The devs want to solve that because people will quit if they are frequent. People who don’t like P2W see that as a frustration: they don’t want to HAVE to spend money for progress. They will quit if they find it too prominent. A lot of other frustrations are smaller. “It’s only a day” if I muck up my tasks. But if I had some bad luck in a few matches, maybe misplayed a time or two in GW, AND I muck up my tasks, all that cumulative frustration adds up.

The problem with “the straw that broke the camel’s back” isn’t the last straw. It’s the other hundreds of straws PLUS that one.