Taco Tuesday is a semi-relaxed Xbox guild.
Like the title says the only requirement to stay promoted or enrolled is hitting 500 seals weekly. Of course, more activity is encouraged but 500 is manageable if you play daily or so.
Gold should be donated but we have no minimum but we do expect those with all kingdoms at 10 to chip in as much as possible.
Guild events aren’t required but are taken into consideration for promotion and such. Guild war battles should all be attempted, will or lose.
The bottom line is we are looking for players, not leeches, that enjoy the game but don’t want to spend all their limited gaming time grinding. Some members will hit 1500 seals and contribute all their gold, others will do what they can, and all are welcome either way.
If this interests you please look up Taco Tuesday or send your invite code to xbox gamertag VadVaro.
Thanks for reading!
Tldr: Taco Tuesday Xbox guild. 500 seals weekly min, guild events participation to your ability. Send invite to VadVaro or search Taco Tuesday. Looking for activity.