Super Treasure Hunt

Who here plays Treasure Hunt? Probably not many hands raised. Early game Treasure Hunt is a lifeline of gold, keys and gems. Later on it’s mostly ignored as (sadly) time is not an unlimited resource.

What if you could spend more maps to upgrade your Treasure Hunt?

The in-game reason:

Tyri has gotten REALLY good at reading maps. So good that she has noticed that sometimes maps have a pattern. If you put the right maps together, you get one extra big super great map that has got to lead to something extra big and super great!

How it works:

Every 500 player levels another upgrade level is unlocked as an option. You can still play basic Treasure Hunt for just one map! But as each upgrade is unlocked, you get the option to spend a lot more maps to get the same number of rounds, only now with upgraded prizes. There is still the chance to have a crappy run, so luck and skill are still factors.

Prize ideas based on levels

Bear in mind that each chest requires 3 from the level before it. So the prize of a Red chest needs to be a lot more valuable than the prize from 3 Green chests or 9 Wood Chests. Vaults can’t move plus they are expensive. They really need to be good.

Level 500: 100 maps.

  • Coins on the board count the same
  • Bag: 300 gold, 50 souls, or 10 glory.
  • Wood chest: No gold! 100 Souls, 30 Glory, or one gem.
  • Green Chest: No Gold or souls! 50 Glory, 3 Gems, or 1 Honor Key.
  • Red Chest: No Souls, Gold or Glory! 9 gems, 3 Honor Keys or 1 Gem Key.
  • Vault: 1 Dragonite, 1 Vault Key, or 30 gems

Level 1000: 250 Maps

  • Coins on the board now grant mix of gold and souls.
  • Bag: 500 gold, 3 gems, or 25 glory.
  • Wood chest: 3 Chaos Shards, 50 Glory, or 3 gems.
  • Green Chest: 6 Gems, 9 chaos shards, 1 Gem key or 1 Honor Keys.
  • Red Chest: 20 Chaos shards, 1 random writ or 1 VIP key.
  • Vault: 5 Dragonite, 1 Vault Key, 10 Shiny Dust, or 3 random writs.

Level 1500: 500 Maps

  • Coins on the board grant mix of gold, glory, and souls.
  • Bag: 5 Gems, 1 gem key, or 1 Honor Keys.
  • Wood chest: 3 Chaos Shards, 10 gems, 3 gem keys, or 3 Honor Keys.
  • Green Chest: 10 Chaos Shards, 20 gems, 6 gem keys, or 3 VIP Keys.
  • Red Chest: 1 Vault Key, 5 Dragonite, 10 random writs, or 5 Shiny Dust,
  • Vault: 1 Epic Vault Key, 1 Shiny Key, 1 random book of deeds, or 15 Shiny Dust

Level 2000 (max): 1000 maps

  • Coins on the board grant mix of gold, glory, and souls, 1.5x old value
  • Bag: 10 Gems, 1 gem key or 5 Honor Keys.
  • Wood chest: 10 Chaos Shards, 20 gems, or 1 Gem Key
  • Green Chest: 1 VIP Key, 10 Shiny Dust, 10 random writs, or 1 Vault Key
  • Red Chest: 1 random Verse (gnome drop), 20 random writs, 10 Dragonite, or 20 Shiny Dust,
  • Vault: 2 Epic Vault Keys, 1 Shiny Key, or 3 random books of deeds

Things to consider

Early on there will be a LOT of people offloading their maps. This is natural because maps have built up for so very long! This will upset the currency balance temporarily. But with people spending up to 1000 maps on a single game of treasure hunt, this backlog will clear fairly fast. Also, a single round of Treasure Hunt can be very time consuming. I have had one round last up to 30 minutes. In the end, there still may be more efficient ways to get gems, keys, ect.

Also the awards are just an idea example. If you can think of better, please go for it!


I can never get higher than 70 turns or so. The cureent treasure hunt id a waste of time

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I love Treasure Hunt, if I’m honest.

My record is something like 165 moves? Would love to crack 200 someday.

Absolutely would love to see TH improved.


I typically play Treasure Hunt (usually <5 rounds) as a change of pace to cool off at the end of a play session.

I’ll agree, it needs some improvements, but for me a key improvement would be:

  • Add an ability to “continue” after you run out of moves. That is to say, when you run out of moves you are presented with an option to (1) cash out the board as usual, or (2) spend an additional (increased) cost of Treasure Maps to reset the turn timer and keep playing the same board.

That could be something fun added to higher cost Treasure Hunt. Maybe something like 0.25 the cost to continue, just so people don’t abuse it? Honestly, regular treasure hunt is one map and the prizes are very low, so it doesn’t make much sense to continue a round IMHO.

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I miss playing treasure hunt, i used to play it a lot but the rewards arent much use for end game players. They should freshen it up and make the rewards more relevant for the game in its current state. Shouldnt imagine it would take a lot of time for the team. And im not going to take away work hours and pay away from the devs showing them what they should do. Seems like it would be man hours well invested.

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I was thinking, the first continue is 2 maps, with the “price” increasing 1 map per usage (up to a certain limit). And, maybe it should only be an extra +8 moves (regardless of your Green Guild Guardian level).

Another idea along similar lines could be:

  • Similar to how you can spend multiple Event Sigils for a stat boost, have an ability to spend multiple Treasure Maps at a single run for an increased rewards multiplier (+0.5x multiplier per extra Map spent).

(For clarity, the cost to “continue” would start at the entry price +1, e.g. if you spent 5 maps for a 3x multiplier the first continue would be 6 Maps)

That could be another way to do things, though I have heard people express that it’s a combo of low rewards plus rewards they don’t need that makes Treasure Hunt unappealing. More gold, souls, and honor doesn’t seem to appeal to so many players past a certain point.

If the cost to start is low, yeah, the cost to continue should go up if people can continue! But if the cost to start is high, it probably shouldn’t cost as much as cost to start in order to encourage continues while not letting them be too easy to use. That’s my point of view.

Would rather see Writs/Deeds there, instead of Dragonite. Books of Deeds are soft locking every kingdom right now, where as Dragonite is just used to get dragons and their related weapons.

That said, yes, I really wish they would update Treasure Hunt already.


Good point. Updated ideas for prizes. Does this look better? I tried to add writs mostly to the higher levels as the soft lock seems more like something higher level players would be more affected by. If it seems too few, too late, too early, or whatever, let me know! Feedback welcome.

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Treasure Hunt will never be updated unless they implement a way of monetising it in some way.

Admittedly, needing 1000 maps to do a high level Treasure Hunt will make people want more maps. Those who don’t want to grind with Tyri and Pirates may want to buy packages containing maps. Perhaps this might persuade the devs that there may be money in this game mode?

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