Suggestions from a seasoned player

  1. Add a trait that disables the unit from being moved around on the team, like with the Giant Toad’s ability or Cedric Sparklesack’s. Make it affect other units, just not that one. For example, if a unit with this trait is in the first slot and he is to move to the back and take 5 damage it would otherwise move the second unit to the back and the first unit would still take 5 damage. I would say make it not move any unit but perhaps that would be too powerful. Either way works for me. And maybe the trait would or would not work if your own unit was to move, such as with Serve and Protect and the Giant harp playing character.
    As for the name of the trait(s): Rock Solid, Steady, Immovable (object), Ingrained/Planted, Stand Your Ground, Anchored, Heavy, Statuesque, etc.

  2. In number 11 I mention to allow us to disable certain traits, or at least change them a bit. This suggestion is similar in that I ask for the ability to disable the use and accumulation of mana on a chosen unit. Essentially Silencing them by choice, until chosen otherwise. This may seem like a silly idea but sometimes you only want the unit for the traits or for skull damage. My skull damage team for example could consist of Stonehammer, Rock Troll, Glacion, and Keeper of Souls. To put this to use I would Silence Stonehammer as to not have my brown mana gains take away from the bottom two.
    Now this may be a balance issue and I understand if it is. Just something to consider.

  3. I am still missing 3 classes I believe so I have not had the chance to look at all of the class weapons yet, keep that in mind when I talk of them. With that being said I have most of them and have to say the colors overlap way too much. There are many of most colors, with only one yellow and one brown, and none of the class weapons have multiple colors. This is not a huge issue as the Mang and Black Manacles are killer weapons anyway but they both use brown, red, and purple, which consist of many of the good class weapons. Again, may be a balance issue so if it is then no problem, I do not mind using the Black Manacles anyway.

  4. :gem_doomskull:Cocoon-a-Matata!:gem_doomskull:
    Please change the quote for the Cocoon to this! Assuming most of the quotes for the cards are references, this works perfectly. I know right now it is a Green Eggs and Ham quote but that doesn’t hold a candle to Lion King! And Prince Ethoras just can’t wait to be king. Also I love that you have custom Emojis!