Suggest Better Names for Alliances

This is a bit insane - maybe the Devs will decide to split it up. What names would you have chosen for an Alliance? Since everyone only likes The Dark Order?

What about Ember Legion? Lunar Syndicate? Phantom Rebellion?

Though I am aware that it is not only the name responsible for this. There is benefit in being in the best Alliance to get the weekly Bonus Region reward…no benefit in trying to compete for 1 - 3 on an Alliance leaderboard with a handful of whales who buy sigils and/or spend 24 hrs a day in the game.

The rabid Intimidators. Vulpacea

No sympathy mercenaries. Humans

The invincible Wolfpack. Anything four legged

The brethren of bloodletters. Blackhawk

The maulers of entrails. Urska


Wow when I said agressive powerful names I had no idea you would come up with this!

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Hey after 20 years of fantasy adventure books
The adult type, not the teen type

Very easy to think up stuff to do with myth n fantasy

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20 years of reading , but only on your third book XD

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Ahhh nooo
You give me to much kudos

Just started me 2nd :wink:

I actually like “The Golden Forge” as a name…

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The Golden Forge sounds like a game shop to me, and The Wild Horde is associated with Orcs, which not many would want to be, Grove sounds too weak…The Bright Empire was the only other one that sounded reasonable.

Yes I’m in the golden forge
Cos I wanted to go the outside alliance, that was my choice

But the name is awful, sounds like a Disney room, we’re you get gold papered chocolate money.
Completely lame.


Leave the other alliances alone, just rename purple to Cat Vomit Sniffers or similar. Problem solved.

Nobody likes the smell of cat vomit. Plus there’s the social stigma if your significant other/child/friend sees you playing and is like, “Your group is named what?!”

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Still a better name than the others haha…

Oh I like my Alliance name - The Dark Order. Just saying do not move me unless there is a better name available.

And trying to help with the unequal distribution problem - or maybe it is not a problem at all - all players in one Alliance united, and hardly anyone to play against.

You know your gonna get it now from:

Purple AKA The Smell :grin:

My thinking was more in the direction of gold, dwarfs and forging of nice and mighty weapons… cool

I didn’t like the others especially bright empire… sounded to much Leonis to me.

The dark order was to prominently put in the middle of the selection. If the name had been the dark company instead, I would have joined immediatly (love the books).

But yeah maybe there will be better names in the future. And I would have loved a blue allience :wink:

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Yeah not sure about the colors - like bright colors are not so popular these days - maybe players would prefer black, grey, purple, gold, white???

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on alliance should be called " stuck in here b/c no gw yet"

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Yes I hear the PVP does not fully meet up with Guild Wars standards - and with the co-operation amongst a guild of players that GW enthusiasts used to enjoy.

Personally I do not miss GW, was too stressful and time-consuming. But I know there are players who miss it terribly.