StreetlampLeMoose is looking for his old guild Gallowbirds

Hey guys, it’s me, my wife was playing for me, doing guild event stuff, and she clicked on leave guild to try to get back to the regular events. I hope you find this and can invite me back to the guild!


Can’t believe you’re still trying man. But best of luck to ya nonetheless. I feel like it’s been at least 2 months now?
Knowing nothing about your former guild. And I mean this as no offense to them. They (and 90% of guilds in the game) probably don’t deserve this kind of loyalty from you. If you make it back to them great. Otherwise I highly recommend joining a guild that uses a 3rd party chat platform like discord or here. That way there’s an easy way to communicate with them when accidents happen. Instead of trying for months to rejoin them due to inability to directly communicate with them.

Reason number 76 why guilds require Discord. :white_check_mark:


I have joined another guild, and there’s no problem with them , but my last guild just felt more like family after 3 years you know?

Hi, I’ve been able to join Gallow Birds (I’ve tracked them on Taran’s and as soon as I saw they had an open spot I tried to join with one of my accounts and I was lucky that the had the guild set as open). I will inform them that you are looking to join back and I will ask them to come here to contact you. I’ll try to stay in long enough to keep the spot reserved for you

Hey Lamp! Actually, first of all, thanks a lot MadKing! Saw your message in our guild chat!
You are missed Moose, can’t wait to have you back in our guild. If I remember right, your ID is StreetlampLeMoose? I ll ask cudhawk to invite you back

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Hi! Just saw a bunch of messages, I kicked some people to make room for you, we would love to have you back!!

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Happy ending :slight_smile:

you can find his invite code looking at his profile here on forum. It is Miserableprick_rmxk. He is now in the guild Pickled Beavers, you can find some of them in global chat 001, maybe you can try that way to contact him

I found his invite code, but unfortunately I can’t recruit him until he leaves his current guild.

I’m a free agent again! Can’t wait to come home!

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@Streetlamp is back to his guild!