Streaming Gems of War NOW!

Day 1 of the week long stream is starting in a few minutes. It will be going for over 12 hours with about an hour break in between. Come say hi if you have some free time. ^_^


Forum says the body of this post is too similar to the previous one, so I typed this sentence to change that… xD

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Hello everyone! Day 2 of my week long stream shall be starting in a couple minutes and will be continuing for about 12 hours aside from a quick dinner break in between. Come chill and talk about the upcoming 2.0.1 or the game in general if you want. ^_^


Hello everyone! Day 3 is upon us. Yesterday we talked a bunch about 2.0.1 and claimed global rank 1 for the first time. Today we will be crushing the current meta before 2.0.1 destroys it relentlessly. :p


I am required to type this due to post being too similar again. Also, throat still isn’t better yet. :frowning:

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Hello everyone! Day 4 of the week long GoW stream is starting in a couple minutes. I woke to find that I was still in the global rank 1 position. Our goal today is to push ahead with the current meta like crazy so we have time to play around with the 2.0.1 update later tonight.

Thank you everyone who has been joining us! :slight_smile:

Hello everyone! Day 5 of the week long GoW stream is starting right now. This will be the first full day with V 2.0.1 as we still maintain our #1 lead. Goal of today is to try to unlock the Assassin's weapon, find more builds that work in 2.0.1, and pull ahead 2k+ rating from 2nd.


Hello everyone! Day 6 of the week long GoW stream starting soon. 2nd and 3rd are starting to catch up, but hopefully we still hold sustaining lead. ^_^



Hi everyone! I’m a twitch streamer and have recently fallen in LOVE with this game. I’ve streamed it a few times already and plan on adding it more frequently into my schedule. If you want to check it out you can find me at Twitch


The last day is here! We finally lost our 5 day 1st place lead. Today will be an attempt to close the gap back to rank 1. If it looks too bleak by too late, I may end up opting into a different game to chill with. We will be handing out 2 redeem codes during its duration if anyone is interested.



I am streaming for a few hours to get the routine 2k Monday rating for the new event. I will be testing out FaceRig instead of a face cam in this stream since there is a nice looking female spider in the program that goes well with the event. It is also an excuse to stay in my underwear since it is so hot where I am. xD



Streaming GoW and chilling for a few hours. Eating a bunch of random snacks... xD


Streaming GoW right now, come hang out and ask about my steam game giveaway I’m doing all weekend!


It’s so awesome this many people stream Gems of War. I will be following each of your channels. If you didn’t post it, please do. Before when you searched for gems on Twitch you couldn’t find it, now you can thanks to you all. <3


Hello everyone! My new mic came in today! ^_^

I have been playing around with it for a couple hours now and figured I test it on a GoW live stream.



Hello everyone! I am about to stream for a couple hours to do the weekly Monday grind to 2k rating. I am doing it as a dragon today too! RAWWRR!



Hello everyone! I am streaming for a couple hours. I'm trying a slightly different setup, bitrate, and setting to see if I can reply to Twitch chat instantly w/o leaving the window. Let me know if you lag this stream. We have candy too! ^_^ (redeem code)


Streaming for about 2-3 hours. Going to be messing around with Astral Spirits and some of the new troops from Leonis Empire. I will also be streaming as a dragon, raawwwrrr! ^_^ I lowered the settings on it and my bitrate so hopefully my computer won't reach critical temperatures again. xD


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Hello everyone! I am doing a couple hour stream. I also have a poll for what other game(s) I should start streaming in the near future.


Stream: Twitch

Here is my streaming schedule for the weekend:

Times in EST and are approximate time frames.
Friday: 6pm-10pm Hearthstone (in 20 minutes of this post)
Saturday: 10am - 10pm Hearthstone/GoW
Sunday: 10 am - 10 pm Undertale


Stream is up! Pop in and ask me about #100daysofgaming :smiley:


Streaming GoW for a couple hours with my standard true damage deck using the new legend. I will also be playing anyone who wants to battle me in Hearthstone later tonight. I may have only just started Hearthstone, but I am currently 3:0 against chat challengers.
