Strange +1 defense wins

Ug. How can you loose 10 games in 1 minute - that’s even weirder…

Just as long as somehow I haven’t been hijacked or bottaken I will report it to support and just want and see what comes of it all


If you will click on that person’s profile you will see that the losses aren’t actually counting against them. Unless it’s different than my experiences with this in the past.


You don’t lose 10x in a minute.

You attack in casual pvp, refreshing with gold when you don’t get a 1 trophy defense. This means easy 1 trophy, bit of gold, and the +5 glory.

For some reason, when you are attacked in casual pvp, you get a defense win that is worth 4 souls, gold and glory, and +1 pvp point. Also, they start stacking until you open the pvp window, and the battles show up as 1 minute ago. This is because pvp is not exactly sincronised, you can tell this when you attack a friend you might be pm’ing with, they don’t get the defense loss immediately.

I just don’t get the reason for doing this in casual pvp. I often get 2 trophy 1 troop fights, that I can defeat quickly anyways.


This doesn’t explain how you can have multiple victories against the same person in that period. After you win a casual battle, the opponent list is refreshed. As far as I know there is no way to guarantee that you can battle someone many times in short succession.

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That’s what this thread was originally started about before the other exploit thread bled over.

People keep saying this is b/c of casual pvp, but it’s not. Not exclusively, at least. Accounts that I first experienced this with were pretty high up on the ranked leaderboard at the time.

Thank you for your feedback and thoughts on this topic. As we feel this thread has run its course and it’s a current known issue that we are investigating we will be closing this thread. Any information regarding this topic can be found here: 2.2 Known Issues - #173 by Nimhain.

Thanks again!