Stop voting for potions. Please and thank you

Got 1 turn then got looped and lost a vp talisman. First off potions make a battle take too long anywhere. They are by far the worst special gem when you want to finish a map quick. Second…who in their ever loving right mind would vote for potions on DIVINES!? Aka “takshaka double one shot land.” When you cant one shot them yourself all it takes is a single lucky potion and they are going to wipe your team. Even having monoliths active only buys you two shots.



I second this motion!

Itll never happen. The forums are a minority and i think that its mostly lower level players that think potions mean “easy loopijg wins for me” that vote for them

Voting isn’t the issue. And you won’t be able to convince most players to vote a certain way when most don’t look at the forum or alliance chats, etc. The issue is having special gems in PvP. Especially during campaigns, when we already have the campaign special gems anyway.
But, if there have to be special gems, why are potions so common? Looking down the “hero gem guide”, there’s 32 currently listed. Once you remove those that are paired (lightning and gargoyle), and the current campaign gem, there’s about 29. So, given we have 29 to pick from, why do potions seem to be an option in several regions every week? And if they’re an option, they always win (hence why I doubt you’ll convince everyone to vote against them), meaning they’re often active in multiple regions in a week.
We need to lock the current selection from the vote for next week, every time. So, if a region has potions one week, it can’t possibly have them the next. Ideally no region can, but I’m not sure the maths works on that. That’d be a start, but ideally, remove special gems or make them optional, instead. Because many players hate having to deal with them, especially in limited access modes, like citadel and guardian battles and monolith battles, where they can cost you the battle based only on bad RNG, and cost you your sigil unfairly.


The only one that really bothers me is the potions tbh

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Potion gems are horrible. Plain and simple. Not only do they waste time, but it seems that whoever pops the first mana potion gems ends up winning. Even if they sped up the animation where they are suspended for about a second on your screen, they spawn WAY too frequently from cascades in a waterfall of rainbows…:rainbow:

It’s like watching goblins casting over and over again until you either lose or just retreat.

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I mean. They are awful but when paired with divines!? Good lord. Takshakas can already 1 shot 2 troops. They dont need help

Just surrender! oh no wait! is a citadel battle. Just buy more sigils. dont tell me you guise are poor.

This is why devs dont care.