Steam special pet bundle 90% off, only $5

Steam special pet bundle 90% off, only $5. You get 1 copies to mythic and some food and keys. My wife bought it for her account so I didn’t pay much attention. If same as on xbox 8 vip keys and 105 pet food.


The Steam bundle has 105 pet food and 50 gem keys.

That’s tempting. I have $6.00 left in Steam, and $4.99 is reasonable for a small cosmetic.

EDIT: Oh!!! It’s still 250 VIP points based on the original price. Sold.


This deal is even getting through any possible Embargos.

I’m hoping it’s a test to see what people are willing to pay for cosmetic pets.

$50 is unreasonable. $5 is much more realistic.


Devs probably have no idea, steam probably did it because no one ever bought it before.


I bought it just to have a Mythic Pet bonus I don’t have to worry about (500 all-faction Delve) in the future

@Saltypatra maybe you should tweet this sale? And remind iphone/android/amazon players can also buy it through steam.


Wish we had this on PlayStation and Xbox


PS4 gets the short end of the stick. Not sure what that means, a stick has two ends. Maybe it involves poking?

Xbox has had some lucky good deals in the past, such as the $20 guild share pack for $5 several times.

Kind of like drawing straws, but instead you break a stick into pieces and the shortest piece is the loser.

Hello, when I buy this bundle, will I get a Code?

I’m Not Sure about this, because in steam it says i’ll buy iT for the Desktop Version. But i play on Android and Not on PC. I don’t want to waste my money.

After buying, you need to open the game through steam. The pet will be sent to your mail


Thanks for the heads up on this!

I never would have seen it myself, as it doesn’t show up in the game.

250 VIP for 5 bucks? They May changes it =/

So if I buy this, I will lose my VIP virginity?

You gain free scouting though


Can we please get this on the XBOX ONE?!


This was a nice surprise thank you.

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People happy to spend money on the game. This is what happens when the price is right. Bought it myself.


I would buy it three times if Steam would let me.

Curious if you bought it.

But for all you VIP level 0 players, this purchase should take you to VIP level 3 where you get in total:
+20% XP :slightly_smiling_face:
+25% Gold :star_struck: (which makes a big difference over time)
+1000 gold per day :roll_eyes:
+15% gems from shop :roll_eyes:
Automatic Free scouting :star_struck:
+3 team slots :partying_face:

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