Steam - After move to new servers on Wed Jan 18th

Just wanted to thanks the Devs and entire GoW Team for the hard work and abuse you have put up with over the last couple of weeks during this migration.

After the switch today everything is soooooo much better then it previously was. Everything loads faster and I have not seen a single error message yet today.

I did not see a thank you message so I created this one so hopefully a grateful community would chime in and show gratitude…:wink:


I absolutely agree with this message. It’s what I’ve been thinking & saying :stuck_out_tongue:

I wouldn’t expect a lot of gratitude when people are angry about their connection problems from over the past weeks and feel this should have been fixed immediately. But I’m never one to be angry about stuff like that, so I say Wonderful work devs!

All jokes aside, they’re spectacular.


Even visiting the Guild section is going smoothly now. Praise the Sun! :slight_smile:

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Worship me!

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‘Praise the ones who created us - our parents.’

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