Spring Break

My wall of text is just an opinion. I think out loud and speculate too much, and enjoy back and forth conversation.

For them to admit QA is done primarily by 505, yikes. To be honest, that explains a lot. That is not a good way to do QA.

so, if 505 is doing the QA, i would really like to see one of them on stream or here on forum…only one…only once.

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You have, her name is @Cyrup. :slightly_smiling_face:
She is a liason between 505 Games and Infinity Plus 2.
Before the world ended, she would work at the Infinity Plus 2 office, but answered to no one at Infinity Plus 2 and was very much much an employee of 505 Games. And Salty and Kafka worked below her.
Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to connect the dots to her actual position in the company.

What her official position is these days is anyone’s guess.

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Cyrup? really? thanks for that info

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“Player Experience Manager”

I’m not sure what this person Cyrup does, but it isn’t ensuring players have a good experience.

The conspiracy theories in here are ripe!!!

@Cyrup works for infinity+2, not 505 games. Many of us work alongside 505 games, but no one in the infinity+2 office is a direct employee of 505.

Also, I didn’t used to work under Cyrup. We worked adjacently when she was the Support manager, and now I work under her briefly when I do writing tasks as she takes care of my deadlines. (She’s a Producer now, and a damn good one!)

This isn’t ominous…

In the past we have had a few 505 reps come and go on the forums. Does anyone remember VirginiaAppleJack? She was my favourite, I still miss her. She even came on stream with me once when 505 visited our office!

@Snooj I wish I could clone myself. That would help me out a lot! I changed the text above to Maraji Queen quite quickly, but had knocked off work for the day an hour or two before it was mentioned that the scoring was incorrect. If I hadn’t been off the clock I would have seen the post sooner and amended it sooner, but I did what I could as soon as I knew.


So if Infinity Plus Two were more Salty, the forums could be less salty?


If it is, you have to ask why and the answer that keeps coming back to me is that GoW is reaching the end of its life, people are moving on to other games, new people aren’t joining or, if they do are so bemused by the plethora of game modes and options and troops and classes, that they don’t stick around.

So, if you’re the money people, you think “How can we maximise our return from this before the whole thing falls apart or collapses under its own weight? Meanwhile, let’s do the bare minimum to keep the game running whilst we get a new product finished and onto the market…”

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@Saltypatra I hope you know my conspiracy theory was NOT a critique on you by the way. I do think you are too busy because there is too much to do. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Though, I wonder, how many Saltys in a room would it take to annoy yourself becsuse it’s just too salty? Would there be a breaking point? Could there be an army of Saltys ready to take over the world?


Surprisingly, I’ve been asked this question a lot!!!

I would love to be in a room of Saltys. I love my gremlin energy!


You’re writing in the present tense and the past tense. So is she currently with your company still as a producer now or what? According to your support site “she” updates the known issue list. But you were logging into Sirrians account on here for a while so I think you inherit staff members accounts like players inherit GoW accounts.

Btw…no conspiracy theories…just bad data/miscommunication…you know the type…like 8 coins and desert trolls type. :slightly_smiling_face:

She is currently here as a Producer, which is why I said I work under her briefly when I do writing tasks. :slight_smile:

She holds the account for our Zendesk, which is why her username pops up when the known issue list is updated.

Also what do you mean, logging into Sirrian’s account? I’ve never logged in as Sirrian, but I have asked him to post on the odd occassion. I have no reason to post as him, and if I was logging in to do so you’d certainly see it happen more frequently! No one inherits old usernames, we make new ones on the forums. The reason Cyrup comes up for articles is explained above.

So many conspiracy theories. :stuck_out_tongue:

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But the real question is, when am I getting my pay check from IP2 for being your reply guy. wait, this isn’t a DM, oh shoot. #forumconspiracy


I love it :joy:

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QA has been abysmal for quite some time now.

Any game’s forum/social media tends to be a tiny, tiny percentage of overall players.

I feel it’s safe to assume IP2’s work directives are driven by the bottom line, which means releasing new content brings more profit than fixing old content.

A lot of folks who decide to spend on a F2P do so early on in their “careers” when everything is shiny and new and they can’t get enough of it. Keeping us moldy oldies happy who are long past our spending days is quite simply not worth the effort. If we stay, we don’t generate revenue and we still act as content for other players. If we quit, we cost the game nothing as we weren’t paying anyway.

This. They designed a game mode they can (in their minds) always keep “fresh” by simply shifting which version of RNG they use for it. The suits don’t care that smart players saw through this at the start. They laugh all the way to the bank when a new campaign starts and people line up to cough up their $10 in exchange for the promise of a new Mythic troop and other fluff.

I can’t help but wonder how many heavy spenders are throwing cash at Shrines to try getting Power Orbs. If you want blatant cash grabs, it doesn’t get much more blatant than this.

I’ve become cynical enough where my kneejerk reaction to stuff like this is “they’re still trying to figure out how to monetize it”.


Unfortunately, this is really well-said and I agree with most if not all of it.

Keyword is unfortunately, because I think some people (many times understandably) see the negativity on this forum as people being jerks who just love to bash the game even as they continue to play it. I certainly used to think that way.

Thing is, most of the negativity on here is fueled by a genuine desire to see the game succeed and be enjoyable. If that weren’t the case, people would simply quit and not bother with typing large paragraphs and linking source material and all that. So many of us here really love this game, and we see it falling from grace into a deep dark place. We’re trying to make noise to prevent our favorite game from sinking like the Titanic.

I still love this game, and I hope all of my negative feedback continues to convey that its point is not to trash-talk but to heal what is being broken.


100% this. I want the game to make me so happy I spend another couple hundred bucks on it.

Sadly, the success of “mobile game tactics” is more fully elbowing its way in here, because it’s proven successful, and at the end of the day, IP2/505 are a business and will always follow the money.


complaining customers are loyal customers :slight_smile:

yeep, those that don’t complain, just leave… :wink:

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What about all the Karen’s and Chad’s? They just loyal customers? Lol, some people just want to watch the world burn.