Leonis Empire
From the spoilers section on the Discord that (I think) Taran is responsible for (all thanks to whomever deserves the credit!):
All spoiler (unofficial) information is subject to change.
This is a great spoiler sent to me by Chris (Faith/Squishy). Thanks you!!!
The game files now list the sister kingdom of factions. So here’s the full list!
Amanithrax: Zaejin
City of Thieves: Leonis Empire
[DarkCourt]: Ghulvania
[DepthsOfSin]: Sin of Maraj
[DrippingCaverns]: Grosh-Nak
[Duergaroth]: Karakoth
[Eldrazhor]: Zhul’Kari
[Emperinazar]: Khaziel
[FellRoost]: Blighted Lands
[FireRift]: Broken Spire
[HellGate]: Maugrim Woods
[IceRift]: Stormheim
[Illithia]: Dhrak-Zum
[IndrajitsDen]: Pridelands
[LyraszasLair]: Shentang
[MirroredHalls]: Glacial Peaks
[TheBlackHeart]: Blackhawk
[TheDeepHive]: Drifting Sands
[TheLabyrinth]: Wild Plains
[TinkerTown]: Adana
[Werewoods]: Urskaya
[WildCourt]: Divinion Fields
[Wyrmrun]: Dragon’s Claw
Names in brackets do not have localised names yet.