(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

Upcoming hero classes

Augment: Goblin
Bonus Color: Purple
Bonus Weapon: Brown
Weapon: Skeleton Key #1214
Kingdom: {Zaejin}
Talent Trees: Cunning/Shadow/Wind
Traits: Traits: Greedy/Fast/Sneak Attack
{Greedy}-Gain 2 bonus Gold on 4 or 5 Gem matches
{Fast}-Start battles with 50% Mana
{Sneak Attack}-Deal 7 damage to the last enemy on 4 or 5 matches
Release Date: 11/2/2018

Augment: Tauros
Bonus Color: Brown
Bonus Weapon: Green
Weapon: Spirits Staff #1217
Kingdom: {Wild Plains}
Talent Trees: Forest/Water/Light
Traits: Tauros Bond/Nature Spirit/Bullish Vigor
{Tauros Bond} -Allied Tauros gain 2 Life
{Nature Spirit} -Gain 1 Magic for each Green ally
{Bullish Vigor} -Give all Tauros Allies 1 Attack when matching Green
Release Date: 12/07/2018

Augment: Human
Bonus Color: Yellow
Bonus Weapon: Red
Weapon: War Symbol #1219
Kingdom: {Leonis Empire}
Talent Trees: War/Light/Morale
Traits: Blessed/Holy Armor/Wrath of Anu
{Blessed} -All allies gain 2 random Skill points
{Holy Armor} -Reduce damage from Skulls by 40%
{Wrath of Anu} -50% chance to Stun a random enemy at the start of my turn
Release Date: 01/11/2019