(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

You think it’s that good?

Passive enchant-all will be a difference-maker, particularly in scaling content. But I don’t think it’s as good as Queen Aurora’s third trait, in terms of support.

She can give up to 8 mana per turn. QA would maybe be the better choice in a self-looping team. It’s hard to compare those 2 traits really as they are actually very different.

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I wasn’t trying to make an apples-to-apples comparison, just saying that there are other, arguably better, passive mana gen traits on Mythics who aren’t A-Tier. I think Mistralus and Aurora are pretty comparable, both good-to-great support Mythics who have trouble carrying a team by themselves.

Next week is a Dragon’s Claw event. We discussed the Legendary extensively here. It suffers from many of the problems Elemaugrim has - dependent on other troops for a status effect, random gem creation that gets more unreliable the fewer troops the opponent has, and merely ok damage for all that startup cost. Not good.

The glory troop, Sylfrostenath, unfortunately offers little to make up for the mediocrity of the Legendary. It looks like they were trying to make a lesser version of Borealis, with the skull reduction and the inflicting of freeze on cast. At least Sylfrostenath damages all enemies with its spell, but the skull reduction is mediocre and it doesn’t do enhanced damage to frozen troops, meaning it’s missing the good parts of Borealis. Oh well.

Mega Troop Spoiler Update Fell Roost Troop Legendary incoming, 2031 (not 2030 :partying_face:)

Has the spoiler ever been so empty? :thinking:


Worth noting:

Fell Roost Weapon is currently listed as a Blighted Lands weapon. So that’s likely next. I’d still wait until a bit more until more spoilers get released though…

I have a list that shows Fell Roost as being linked to Blighted Lands so that seems correct.

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The new unit is kinda funny - changed name and kingdom 16 times within 4 days :partying_face:

So still waiting for a real spoiler update not later than end of April = 4.9 Update? (maybe too early for that…)

4.8.5 most likely which will be a minor update.

I’m more for 4.9.

Kinda weird to put that up for 4.9 if 4.8.5 was coming out first.


Yes, thats why i wrote 4.9, but who knows :man_shrugging:

Because half dates don’t usually have major changes. Such as adding ads to the game.
We just experienced this with 4.7.5 and 4.8
They waited until 4.8 to introduce the world events.
If they do a half date, it’ll be sometime this month. Otherwise they may just go straight to 4.9 in early June.
(Perhaps a faster major update due to C19.)

Does anyone know a site with the list of weapons that we acquired when raising the Mastery?

Type “mastery” in the “obtain by” field.


Thank you, bro. :smiley_cat:

This finally doesnt sound like 4.8.5


Can we please talk about this monstrosity? Its ability is named “Dozen Lashes” but it only hits 6 enemies. Uh… so… are we going to rename it to “Half-Dozen Lashes” or increase it to 12 random enemies?


This is just a typo issue - the spell is supposed to be called “Do Zen Lashes.” It’s about the fundamental interconnectedness of the lashes, not how many there are.

Although, now that I look closer at the artwork, I don’t see a single lash above that solitary eye. Curioser and curioser.


I’m just saddened that this means we won’t ever have a Rock Lobster since they are wasting the flavor text with this bakers dozen esque troop.

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Actually it doesn’t matter.

Remember, “Greed is Good” is on a couple of troops already.

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I’m not sure what you mean