(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

In before “just stun them lol” even though that won’t be a thing with pure faction, just a long battle of attrition where you are outstatted 2-3 times, and your only generation involves randomness board shifting and possibly giving up 4-5 matches. Might have been an opportunity for interesting counterplay focused team-building if not for this little detail, but most likely still super annoying to most people even with “normal” teams at the end of the day regardless (with brute force likely still being more effective than weaker counterplay options). Even just Harpy Mage looks extremely obnoxious, with a 4 mana initial cast (with two available colors to fill it) semi-choosable (ie., not single-color restricted) mass explode with storm baked in.

Don’t know how this somehow evolved from an interesting concept dealing with storms that might have been a bit weak because of needing to constantly clear the storms to… this.

Champion of Ga(a)rd is looking to be another one of those “pure tank” mythics that we already know really doesn’t work well in this game in addition to being a pure armor boost variety, which also has its own problems. His spell currently increases his armor (granted, its a lot of armor, but he doesn’t do anything with it except potentially take hits) and spawns 22 red/blue gems randomly (he uses red, but not blue, so he refills a bit on the red and generates blue). He’s not even a Stonehammer-class in this regard, since Stonehammer inflicts two status effects that can actually help set up damage.

The “1 stat to all red allies at the start of the turn” trait is unfortunately looking to be saddled with this troop who can be easily dispatched or countered by armor destroying weapons, true damage, stun (or any debilitating status really), enrage and/or true shot with skulls, control teams being faster than him because he blocks 24 mana if used in front (12 if accelerated, but very little synergy there), things that can kill the rest of the team while leaving him alone and easy pickings, or just bad luck on his cast. If none of those are present, then he can tank for days, I guess, and feed your blue troops eventually. Maybe he’ll end up setting something up where his first cast can lead into a a win condition and move up to situationally useful (doomed blade is a stretch, mass spawners like this generally erase too many skulls for the remaining colors to align; theres much easier ways to get strong blue-using things like Rope Dart up; and nothing currently exists where a red/blue combination board is strongly beneficial for quickly dealing a lot of damage).

I feel like if he is going to keep this spell design, I’d rather him have ~60% skull/spell block as his mythic trait, two actual traits that help his overall design (armor to skull damage for one, but unfortunately we already have a very weak 25% as a “legendary” trait there and 20% as a hero talent, possibly a resistance trait), and allow the red boosting trait to go to something I might actually want to use.

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Fwiw, and I feel like this should be in some kind of PSA thread, Gard’s Avatar and Gard’s Wall have both been updated to Gaard’s Avatar and Gaard’s Wall (important when searching for them), which was confirmed by Kafka/Nim in Global to be intentional and part of their ongoing project to improve wording consistency; and also confirming that Gard and Gaard are/were in fact the same entity.

The Ga(a)rd’s Avatar release post describes Ga(a)rd as the Patron Deity of Whitehelm, while the Champion of Anu post describes Gaard as one of the two deities of Sword’s Edge. I’m guessing he’s just well-loved.

It does feel a little weird to have both Gaard’s Aavatar (worldy manifestation) and the Chaampion of Gaard (mortal wearing Aarmor of Gaard) in the same realm, and of the same rarity/power level – but :man_shrugging:.


Huh. The spelling change is new. I can’t complain much I guess, I did say to pick one.

Champion of Gard is Red/Green/Yellow, Tesla is Red/Blue. Its not utterly without merit.

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Both Whitehelm and Sword’s Edge were once part of the same ancient empire, so it makes sense they follow some overlapping gods.

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Maybe they just can’t be aarsed coming up with their own gods?

Can the new class 3rd trait “explode a blue gem on 4 match” ruin an extra turn?

Doubtful - the other explode on 4+ traits (like TPK) do not do so.

That spelling is bananus.

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how do we feel about the new class? i dont have the mental wherewithal to judge it until i actually use it.

also, is anyone else going to set a limit for how many keys you spend on the new mythic since it appears to be low tier. im thinking i might spend my saved up guild seals and that’s it. maybe some clan orbs.

Yes. Glory keys and excess glory only. My guild’s active enough that guild keys are equivalent to gem keys, so I am not sure I want to spend the seals.

This is maybe gonna sound weird but I am genuinely curious - why save clan orbs? Maybe to help your guild hit a total seal threshold during a given week?

i dont have a good answer for you. ive used them before to get my seals req when i couldnt be active one week. but that was only once. beyond that i dont know haha.

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hmm yeah think ill do that instead now that you mention them being equal to gem keys. good call! usually on mythic days i use seals, then gem keys so i usually dont make it to my stash of glory keys. now would be the perfect time to bust those bad boys out.

Tarans updated the class page and a bit on Troops page, mostly the mushroom kingdom troops. A couple things…

Stormcaller Stryx class is showing Conjure a Storm on 4 or more matches. That’s… Horrible. That’s the exact same as a level ONE talent available, WHICH THE HERO ALREADY HAS. It’s bad enough to see Fireproof as a 2nd trait on the Sunspear when they have the Fireproof 2nd talent, but this is a level 1 talent as a THIRD trait. That’s brutal.

I was personally hoping for Holy Armor, as the level 100 talent gives Attack each turn so they could make a good Tank skull hitter, but understand that it likely wouldn’t fit thematically, so that a 50% Stryx Start or something else equally unimaginative yet still useful was more likely. *Holy Armor as 2nd trait, and then maybe something like “Thunderbolt” or whatever and have it be a suped up version of Shock, similar to the thief class, but maybe true damage. Or even better, something like Megavore, even if the percentage is lower.

After venting that frustration out, I’ve less to say about the mushroom kingdom, other than understanding that it really fits thematically, but a kingdom built entirely around Poison/Disease, which is the most common immunity, seems pointless. Oh well, they can’t all be amazing.


Cant wait! Imagine all those Shame of zorn team.


Both of them? The mind boggles.

Well at least they are consistent., they both makenyou lose xD

Anyone else notice the new GOW logo in the 4.4 sneak peaks?
I think it looks much nicer than the old one.