The devs seriously thought us saying, “doesn’t look great” meant jack the power up to 11?
NERF…seriously she can charge herself…don’t hit me
Okay! Assuming you can hit 75% of the board, or 48 gems, 6 of which will be skulls on average, you’ve got 21 Blue/Yellow/Purple that can charge her, and 21 Red/Green/Brown for something else. Since exploding grants 70% mana, that’s about 15 mana for her (unless the summoned IK eats it up) and 15 for whatever else is teamed up with her, plus the chances of 4/5 matches when a new board falls into place.
She’s an absolute machine. Even Chuck Norris MIGHT acknowledge her.
Unless you are playing Valkyrie and turning a large part of the board blue…then again no one uses Valkyrie with a leonis empire color boost ;). Hey it’s a mythic it should pack a punch
One thing to keep in mind is that the summoning portion of her spell has no effect if your team is healthy. If you’ve lost a troop, she’ll summon an IK, which will immediately block two of her colors. This means she’s unlikely to refill herself in that event.
She seems like a potent (though expensive) mana battery, but her offensive use will likely be limited. Defense, on the other hand…
ugh… how did I get so far off base on that one… I also dumped souls into Divinion to see the hype lol. Ugh.
I am 4 stinking points away from 7 star for Zhul’kari… I have traits for two epics that I could blow, but I refuse to blow so many resources on those lol.
F/ck me, that is a boost that earns mythic status! Her previous version has nothing on this. I think she is now as strong or stronger than the horseman, which for story makes sence.
abhorath, supposedly the oldest daemon in the world can now hide himself in the attic and cry
I’ve tried her out a bit now, she is slow but reasonably effective. However, the IK summon is quite difficult to really take advantage of - aside from the basic ‘I now have an IK here’, which admittedly is strong-ish by itself.
I feel like she would be used very effective with a sacrifice team. I am on console so we aren’t even close to getting her yet.
Though I expect some sacrifice team could work with her.
I just realized that if I get the werewolf and villager to Mythic I can hit 3500 power (8th star), I wonder if it would give the reward
13 troops should give only 3445 points. (?)
any hint when could be (or for how long certainly will be not) a whitehelm event?
The next event is Whitehelm.
And any troops preview from there?
oh im gonna take it even if its just a brown peasant that destroys a gem and either top or bottom of it
oh no, then all the people would set whitehelm as their home kingdom again~:frowning: