(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

It’s started… in the Legendary Room (V), there is one called Liche’s Crypt featuring Skeleton, Grave Seer, Spectral Knight and Xathenos. Glad to see they found a use for Xathenos but that also shows they aren’t holding back on letting the Mythic’s loose and are letting faction troops invade rooms now.

On paper, that scares me since Grave Seer fills Skeleton which will cast, get some lucky skull hit or miss and get a skull hit in anyways because of the extra turn. Like ouch.

class: Plaguelord
    kingdom: Darkstone
    type:    Human
    talents: Arcane, Chaos, Stone
    class weapon
        name:   Dark Potions
        type:   Artifact
        color:  green
            name:   Dark Potions
            descr:  TBD
            cost:   3


class: Dervish
    kingdom: Drifting Sands
    type:    Monster
    talents: Wind, Cunning, Storms
    class weapon
        name:   Curved Dagger
        type:   Dagger
        color:  yellow
            name:   Curved Dagger
            descr:  TBD
            cost:   3


class: Tidecaller
    kingdom: Merlantis
    type:    Merfolk
    talents: Water, Life, Arcane
    class weapon
        name:   Sea Trident
        type:   Polearm
        color:  blue
            name:   Sea Trident
            descr:  TBD
            cost:   3


class: Corsair
    kingdom: Blackhawk
    type:    Rogue
    talents: Cunning, Water, Wind
    class weapon
        name:   Pistols
        type:   Missile
        color:  blue
            name:   Pistols
            descr:  TBD
            cost:   3



Humbly waiting for new backgrounds (Tower of Doom and what else)…


Doesnt actually work rn. Also: TIDAL WHY!?!?!?!

Heh, they really did give Drifting Sands Monsters. So… um… my Elemental Frostmage argument still stands? I guess?

Also, Wind Talent tree needs a serious buff.

“All future Enemies gain the Tidal Affix”

Inconsistent wording again. But more importantly, what the heck is “Tidal”? We’ve got “Tidal King” on Undine, that’s literally the only thing I can find in the game, Lyya’s site and Taran’s site. If its that trait, count me out please.

Looking at the changes to Broken Spire troops I wouldn’t be surprised if Warlord is going to change from Giant to Elemental.


Seems logical, yet at the same time, I’m kinda hoping it doesn’t. Well, first of all, I’d want the Elemental Hero to have Storms, yet Bloodthirsty (70) and Lightning Strike (70) and Fireblade (100) and Lord of Storms (100) would compete. Probably one of the few talent combinations I wouldn’t want to mess with.

2nd of all, Broken Spire hero 3rd trait sucks badly (all 3 do, actually). Maybe if there’s ever a 50% Elemental Lord troop (or hero), then it’d be passable. You’d think the Warlord Hero would be a prime candidate to get the new Enraged Trait they currently have…

Plaguelord is looking to be my favourite class next to Frostmage

The “Tidal” affix is applied to some weapons upon upgrade, with the effect “Gain Submerged upon casting”. See my post (#61 or so in the 4.1 Patch Notes thread) about how the devs wanted to kneecap Tesla.

Edit: #69, apparently. Nice.

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It took me a while searching for Merlantis weapons on Lyya’s site to find out what this trait does. It’s quite confusing to apply Weapon’s Affix to troops. I prefer they just plainly explain it as “gain Submerge when I cast my spell” or just invent new trait for this.

Also, I don’t think this trait is aiming at just Tesla, but all scatter/AoE damage troops in general. Its strategy is the one with not much counter as the moment, so maybe this trait is their answer for making all strategies have their own weak and strong points if you want to beat all the rooms.

Also makes “farming” harder in certain delves (Rn only crypt). Crypt is the only delve with empowered in the boss room. That dodge to AoE is annoying. slows it down.

At least the Legendary Rooms are all in secundary paths, for now, so at high level Delves where you are better just rushing to the Boss Room you don’t have to worry about such team.

Why do I get the feeling that this will be changing for future delves?


Not sure if you are being a cheeky Beta Tester right now… (as in you really knows about that but can’t tell/confirm anything)

Not this time, unfortunately. The patch is live, so there are no current “beta secrets” at the moment.

Balance/playstyle changes like that are practically never released on beta, nor are we generally told about upcoming balance changes. Usually, we are allowed to play through beta with the things that will be nerfed on the live servers. Parts of the final patch are often frequently missing as well. For example, in this update, doomed weapons weren’t available when we tested the Tower briefly.

So, gut feeling, guided by past personal experiences on this one. With all of the changes lately, the tea leaves all seem to be pointing in this direction.

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I get the feeling one of the delves will have one room to the boss and the mega long route but the short cut has the legendary room in the way… I get that bad feeling…


@nav037 Thanks for all the images. :slight_smile: Do you have any other class shield pics?