(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

Ah, but that’s the catch… Every change unfolds several results and the devs knows it very well every day…
Keeper of Souls and Bone Dragon would not be so great anymore with this change in a sense that normal troops with Stoneskin would still block most attacks without much trouble, and Gorgotha would be godlike as a tanker.

He already is. At lower levels he is a pain in the neck.

That’s not the only thing effected. Skull matches follow the same coding as gem matches, so gem spammers/transformers would also be nerfed as a result of this change.

They’d have to give skulls there own individual coding to fix the maw glitch, in that each skull match is separate damage-wise, but calculates it as one big attack. This would be coding that’s not as simple as a mere few lines.


Yeah, i wasn’t very sure about the gems matches if separated combinations counts as five or more for mana surges or if each one can trigger or not their own mana surge.

Not really getting into the specific argument, as i have a different viewpoint on that(not on the ridiculousness of Maws 3rd trait, i totally agree on that) but i just wanted to throw in that how Maw as able to deal with traited Gorgotha was actually the one thing Maw did that was very healthy for the Meta.

There is that too, but as i said:

Not every result is predictable, but as Maw eats Gorgotha, or any upgraded troop it gets so huge and it creates another unbalanced situation. A situation where you get punished as you upgrade your own troops if they are eaten.

No matter how many skulls get matched on the board, the attack animation plays once. Tie the activation of Maw’s third trait to playing the attack animation rather than the damage-dealing.

This also solves the problem of entangled Maws devouring troops.

It happens often enough that I just skip maw teams altogether.


Happened against @Bobomb 's team today. Maw really needs to be revisited.

What @Machiknight says. I skip every team with Maw these days.

Thats why the meta sticks. These Maw players need to be beaten. You only support complacency if you allow this meta to continue. I am challenging every Maw I see.


could be, but I play this game for fun. And fighting the same Maw/whatever team is no fun. Same as it was with Goblins. And I don’t care about the meta. Meta can be changed. And will be changed for that matter, and we will have a different meta by then to complain about. :slight_smile:

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Yes I have realised that two Gobchompers can kill Maw off the bat, and posted it elsewhere. Trouble is that leaves you with only two other useful troops and so far I’ve found you can still struggle to win, especially if the other three enemies are say IK/Sheggra/Mercy…

Edit: though I also realised we are way off topic… :slight_smile:

To get on topc, any thoughts on those new troops in our troops list?

Settite Warrior is clearly crafted to combo with Rowanne… bit obvious perhaps… but sounds cool… given it’s drafted as green, I am wondering how to make a decent combo… maybe with Green Seer to fuel both… but also wondering if just taking two Rowannes might work better…

I was thinking a more sunweaver combo would be good. A deck centered around armour might be interesting as long as you do not go against true shot teams.

My two cents…

I think Maw should only be able to Devour once…which ever occurs first between the spell or Hunger. If it triggers via Hunger, then all yellow/brown mana accrued transfers to any other users of these colours in your team.

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It’s now a goal of mine to s%!# all over this theory :wink:

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so has the spoiler stuff been blocked? hadn’t seen any posts and lots of troops show up in troop list. ?

It happens.