Spirit Guide

Wouldn’t it be a nice touch if the invasion stages included Scarlett and Dwarf Hunter in their defences? You know, to counter beasts.

Well when you reach 4x tower it’s start to be a real challenge im at 36/65 and they getting harder to kill but with this team it’s very easy

Forest guardian

You keep casting fenrir on stone-shaker and you kill towers with skulls or his cast

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Thanks @Rickygervais, I haven’t played yet to mday but that sounds like a fun team!

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You will get it easy, the towers are a real joke beside raid boss

There is already a whole thread on this, the discussion doesn’t need to be brought here. We’re looking into the issue.


Sorry i missed that thread my bad

Why is this a Blue/Brown instead of Green for the Archer Class? It seems that there is a mismatch here - all my other bows are green.

it’s a Sabotage!

Yeah because obviously making TWO videos in a WEEK would be really pushing the QA team to the limits of their ability to play the game… it would take… geeee maybe 15 whole minutes.
How about you guys take those 15 minutes and IMPROVE the reward tables.

But oh wait, you say they don’t have the time, yet you’re able to spend a few hours in here evading answering questions.

You really want all your bows to be the same color?

Blue/Brown is actually an excellent set of colors for this weapon. The Warden class - the hero class that is a Beast - boosts Brown. And Blue is the rarest color for the troop type, so this lets it synergize better.