Spanish text mistranslation in faction rewards message

Platform, device version and operating system
PC (Steam)

Screenshot or image

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened
It’s just a wrong translation. The phrase “Te han enviado estés regalos en reconocimiento de tus hazañas” should be written as “Te han enviado estos regalos en reconocimiento de tus hazañas”.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
I realized it today, I don’t know if it has been there since faction implementation.

Steps to make it happen again
Earn enough fame with a faction so you get a reward delivered by game mail.


To be clear, what’s incorrect about this: Google Translate says “You have been sent these gifts in recognition of your deeds” (correct) as opposed to “They have sent these gifts in recognition of your deeds” (incorrect). Is this what you are getting at, that it should be directed to the player individually?

I don’t think so – I think what’s in-game is just gramatically incorrect, though a native Spanish speaker should definitely correct me if I’m wrong.

“estos pantalones” → “those pants”
“estés pantalones” → “you are pants”


Well I definitely don’t want to be pants :thinking:


The subject of the phrase is not the point. “estés” is a conjugation of the verb “to be”, which makes no sense in the phrase. You want to put a determiner “these” = “estos” before the noun “gifts”.

About your question: The phrase subject and verb are correct as you want it to be. “Te han enviado…” is a colloquial impersonal subject phrase, and so it does not include a “They” as the subject is unknown (generic) and ommited in spanish.

I checked on google trnslate with the “estés”… and I got surprised it translated it anyway. I suppose it attempts to correct any mispelling or discards anything that makes no sense, replacing it for something that should be put there.

@Lyya: I’m a native spanish speaker (from Spain, which would be european spanish; there are subtle variations with latin american spanish). In your example, “estos pantalones” would be “these pants” (m). “those” translates to “esos/esas” (m/f).

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Okidoke, I stand corrected. It’s been a long time since Spanish class :confused:

Thank you, a report has been made for the translation issue to be investigated :slight_smile: