So, you want to craft Diamantina?

I appreciate your effort writing a guide, you should definitely check your numbers though, they are way off.

Edit: I appreciate it even more now that the numbers that are off seem to be mine. :smile:

Crafting a dragon costs 500 dragonite, 6 x 500 = 3000.

Edit: You mean total crafting cost for everything, 6k dragonite is correct for that.

The chance for a perfect run is 60%, see calculation.

Edit: I obviously need to grow more fingers to calculate better, 10% is correct.

It’s 80 + 2 x dungeon level.

The dragons are really some of the easiest to get mythic troops so far, even if you don’t spend any gems at all.

Edit: Average of 12 dragonite per day at level 20, I’ll take back the “easiest to get” part. :confounded: