Silver Marks

Can you please take time to consider more things to buy from the PvP shop with silver marks as they seem of very little use at the minute, maybe suggestions should follow below. I thank you.

Here are a few off my brain farts on the topic:

1 convert to other currency, maybe after making all the other currency seperate from this part of the game it should be intergrated by making silver marks exchangable with older currencies diamonds glory gold etc

2 swift talismans and victory talisamans


The exclusive mythic should be switched from 2500 gold marks to silver marks.


Yeah the mythic is stupidly over priced. 25 deed books vs a average mythic… hmmm lets me think…


Buying burning marks for a whole lot of silver marks feels like something that should be added. So that playing PvP is a viable way to catch up with those who buy out the PvP shop to level their immortals.


Im pretty sure they stated in the release video for 8.0 that were going to add burning marks to the PvP shop but that didnt appear, which isnt surprising when they are trying to monetise this content without alienating free to players.
1 I thought they may add a exchange of some kind Silver > Gold > Burning at a bad rate say 75>1 25>1 …
2 Shiny keys should be available for silver marks as the shiny chests have nothing of value post nerfing of " loop troops ".
3 PvP Outfit ??
Please post other ideas below

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People in these spaces have been begging for ways to convert (useless) old currencies into new currencies for almost as long as the developers have been creating and releasing new currencies.

It’s never going to happen.

The whole point of new currencies to groups like game developers is to keep their player base playing, as opposed to the possibility that they could simply take the fruits of their past labors and use that to buy all the new stuff as it releases. It sucks from the point of view of the player/customer, but that’s the incentive structure that developers want to further their objectives.

They want you spending real money to keep up with the whales. Or spending immense amounts of time doing the same, even if you don’t spend real money, because at least they’re getting your time and attention and that’s not going to their competition.


Weren’t there supposed to be new pets with each season? Not the immortal ones…

And new warbands, and cool new renown rewards, and interesting new medal types, and custom rules for arena weekends, and…

I think everyone should read statements like that more as hype than as any actual plan. The stated policy of the development team is to move on to new content, which necessarily leaves a trail of abandoned features.


Silver Marks are worse than glory.AN yet are super harder to get.

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Glory is ok if you can spend hours opening chests.


Bumping this - we need something additional to buy with silver marks.


If they’d made that mythic 25k silver marks instead of gold, everyone would have been excited and grinding more pvp…


They could’ve made it 25k Silver & 250 Gold I prolly would’ve went hunting & saving.

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If they had made it 25k silver marks instead of 25k gold marks, there are undoubtedly a whole host of players sitting on at least that many who would have purchased it and gone back to whatever they were doing prior to its’ introduction without noticing anything.

There are a number of old(er) currencies that are virtually worthless these days. And there are a number of others that we still gather and spend in significant quantities, although not farming them for their own sake, and don’t provide us much “bang for our buck” either.

It’s unfortunate, but it’s how this paradigm of games works. Old(er) currencies gradually become worthless and new ones are introduced, because that’s how they keep the hamster wheel spinning with players scrambling to keep their feet.

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Silver marks are far from old. They should find a way to make them worthwhile - at least for a little while.


Shiny keys may as well be in the shop for silver marks as all the shiny troops were nerfed into the dirt at least people could dork out getting them maxed.