Silver marks in burning chests need to go

Dear devs.

Imagine working, and instead of getting real hard earned cash, you’ll sometimes receive monopoly money. It might be all of what you’ll get, even.

Now can you imagine how players feel?

Even gold marks are a total waste as 20 gold marks save us what, a day of playing?

Like others have pointed out, burning chests should work like shiny keys and give us only souls. Amount can be lower, that’s fine, but getting any marks feels like a slap in the face (silver) and a 5 dollar voucher for the supermarket (gold).


I second your pain. Last 5 chests I have opened have been silver marks and the 6th was gold marks


Agree. I’m sitting with 22 unopened chests and I just don’t want to use them because of trash loot like Silver Marks.


I co-sign. Everything in these chests should at least feel good to someone.

I could do without the gold marks, for instance. But, I could see a universe where someone might want those. Silver marks?! You can open ended farm those. Might as well be air.

No one is going to be happy about silver marks from a burning chest. It’s basically an obscene gesture, not a prize.


Ouch. That didnt take them long to nerf. Last week they were giving a lot of immortals.

I personally don’t mind gold marks because I still need lots of deed books to overcome kingdom power roadblocks, but I agree 100% that silver marks shouldn’t be in burning chests. I would also add icons to the OP’s request, as they too feel like a slap in the face.


I kind of forgot about those. They at least help somewhat but yeah, nothing but souls for me personally.

20 Gold marks are just too few to make an actual dent, and for the amount of work it takes to get those burning marks, I really don’t like them in there either. 100 would be different, that would feel like a reward.

But I’m sure we’re all opening the chests for immortal souls and not the rest of the stuff.


I’m still missing Titanius after getting all burning marks from the premium season pass rewards.

Now, I’m grinding out the last few from season goals, and getting increasingly angry each time I get silver marks and no immortal souls.

The last 3 batches of chests I’ve opened (2, 4 and 2) have all given silver marks. It makes you feel cheated if you paid money for the premium pass, and leaves a bad taste in the mouth. It also makes me feel very disinclined to buy the pass again.

I understand the devs want to dilute the drop pool with lower value items, but silver marks are entirely WORTHLESS. Once you have the ten pets you can buy with them, there’s nothing left to spend them on. Orbs of Minions also require gold marks, so aren’t worth it, and the talismans you can buy with silver are barely worth the time it takes to equip them before battle.

Even if silver marks were useful, they’re farmable and absolutely should not be cluttering up chests you hope people will be spending money on.


This is all working as intended. As this is just another cash grab. The devs are hoping that this will cause people to spend money on the Premium PvP Shop items, to get extra burning marks and souls for the Glaycion (the immortal of the season).

Plus it “drives up engagement” for the new PvP, which in the devs mind, means that people like what they’ve done. When its actually players just trying to complete the PvP Season Goals to get the new resource. Which the devs then also turn into more cash grabs as it causes people to spend money on more citadel and monolith sigils (or waste your gold marks on them).

Its how every cash grab attempt with this game goes. Release a new limited resource add in some horrid gacha mechanics for the rewards and make it so that it will require you to get more and more of that new limited resource to make any progress. If you try to grind, the progress will be slow and take months to get anywhere or you can spend money right now to speed things up.

Eventually a new limited resource will get released and the cycle starts all over, then the previous resources start becoming obtainable in other ways and you end up with an overabundance of them and have nothing to use them on.

The majority of resources are only useful at early stages in the game, once you hit certain points, so many resources just pile up. Treasure maps, chaos shards, trait stones, ingots, war coins, jewels/shards, medals/tokens/badges, cursed runes, gold keys, and orbs of wisdom/growth/ingots are all pretty much useless to a large percentage of the player base.

Dragonite is starting to become more available as a reward and will eventually become useless for most players. Unless the devs keep releasing more gacha dragon eggs to craft until each kingdom gets its own special dragon.

Give it another 6 months or so and another cash grab attempt will appear with another new limited resource/currency, and it will be shiny keys that start becoming more abundant to where we stock pile them as well.


Last 8 burning chests I’ve opened were just silver marks. I worked hard for those, but instead of a reward i got a kick in the teeth. Why would we want to play a game that crushes us and makes us feel bad?

Same with the sociopathic refusal to make dragon eggs hatch a dragon we need.

Even the gold marks have been nerfed way down from what they were.

This game is going downhill fast. People want to enjoy their playtime and be rewarded for their time, not made to feel like their time was totally wasted and not respected at all.

Stop punishing us. Reward us so we feel it’s worth continuing to play. We aren’t masochists and we don’t want to feel bad. Treat us with the respect we deserve please.


Just let each chest contain two items:

1.) Something all players want, Immortal Souls.
2.) Something that may or may not be useful to individual players, like Icons or Marks.

Lower the quantities if you feel like such a change would break the bank.


Ive got like 300 silver marks so far, feels good man
To devs: take this comment as a positive feedback and start claiming most users are satisfied, just like always.

I have over 30k silver marks. I wish I didn’t farm them at the beginning…now I’m getting them in every other pull from burning chests.


Easy solution. Change the exclusive PvP mythic to silver marks and also remove gold marks from pet orbs. 600 silver plus 100 gold marks for an orb isn’t worth it. But only silver would be. Then keep everything else as is and everyone is happy and probably more eager to play.


Wait for the era of AI optimized custom offers and drops.

“A game can be good or frustrating, but it can never be boring, to keep the player playing” So every time you use the system you make a stronger argument to keep it and use it. You use the forum, speak on discord about it, comment on youtube etc, all range for the game.

Well for me, I have only 2 immortals (and don’t even remember how I got them), and I’ll NEVER be able to level them up. I’m totally discouraged from even trying.