Silence. Still with mana drain?

With a video, yes.

From my April 21st ticket (I reported 2 bugs. This was the second):
“Second, in the 1.0.85 patch notes (Patch notes for April's 1.0.85 update (PS4, Xbox One))
it says that, “Silenced troops no longer have their mana drained.”
However, I just had a match when all my troops had mana, with one being
full and ready to cast its ability, and then they were silenced with The
Silent One. When the silence wore off on each of my troops their mana
was empty. It seems silence is working the way it did before the most
recent patch.”

Part of the response:
“Regarding your mana drain incident, I think that a video would be very
helpful in this instance, as I can just send it over to the developer to
investigate! Thank you for your patience, hope you’re having a great

My response to that:
"Unedited (not shortened) video is here:

Silence happens at 1:00; Shadow Dragon breaks out at 1:51; Gorgotha and Druid break out at 2:27."

Rep’s response:
“Thanks! It looks like these issues should be fixed in the next patch
actually, which should be coming very soon. Hopefully all of the fixes
are contained there :slight_smile: Let me know if I can do anything else for you!”

Then I closed the ticket since it seemed to be a known issue and in the process of being fixed.