Shhhhhh! Don’t tell Lyya! 🤫


(charrr 10)

That’s hilarious and also how I hear her name in my head but I think we’re both hearing it incorrectly. I’m pretty sure she said somewhere that it is actually pronounced “lee-uh”, not “lie-uh”. I think the opening “ly” is the last two letters of a different word. Think quietly or slowly.

If @efh313 is going to be singing her name, it might be wise to double-check the pronunciation. The last thing he’ll want is @lyya showing up to correct him as soon as he posts his video…


You are correct @stan. It is Lee-ah, and I remembered that convo too, but confirmed via pm to be sure! :wink:


It’s all good with me!


That’s good, ‘cuz Valerie didn’t say, “Leah.”

Just an update for those of you with a vested interest…

Lyrics are complete!
Audio is getting recorded shortly.
Video will be produced soon.



Go here for what you seek!!

That was beautiful! Except maybe “Nobody understands the plans the devs have… except for LYYYAAA” (I mean, I was hoping we would understand our own plans :wink: )

Gave me shivers! So lovely of you to make a song for Lyya. Thank you. :heart_eyes:


Remember, it’s a parody! All in good fun! :joy:

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I love it! :smiley:

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Lee yeah!

Thanks for your hard work.

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