Shale Not Pass

Originally published at: Shale Not Pass – Gems of War

New Invasion Troop: Crypt Worm The Crypt Worm will be available in the Invasion Shop, and will appear in Glory, Gem, Guild, and VIP chests in 3-4 weeks’ time. New Epic Troop: Necroshale Necroshale will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in…


I shall not ever buy any of the Passes in the game.


Is there an opportunity to see the size of Alliances before and after this grace period?


You know what could be nice? If we could actually obtain these Tower troops somehow…

Anyway, Sharptooth is a great frontline troop for this event due to having Enrage – fully traited it can one-shot even Bastion Tower’s 75% skull reduction.


^^ fixed :wink: every event when sharptooth is available feels actually fun to me and not so tedious. Im very glad to see sharp tooth get a shout out and glad you are also enjoying our dinosaur friend

Chance for extra turn, chance for mana back, tough scales, enrage on death, AND a Monster, so pair with Dervish hero for +2 to all boosts and turn into Godzilla crushing towers. If you can spare the team slot, scorpius also boosts every turn bc sharptooth is brown (initial release I did this). wish I could use this dinosaur in every invasion :t_rex:

I’m actually running double sharptooth, crypt worm in the back just for double points

Old man oakroot also a crazy strong event troop (thx to armor strip), but the Dino chances for extra turn and mana back are too good IMHO. Sharptooth for president

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