Season of Chaos Ending

Originally published at:

PvP Season Ending Soon The final week of the Season of Chaosis upon us! This is your last chance to earn rewards from the Season Pass, Season Goals, or purchase a Premium Pass to earn some of the following rewards. Featured Immortal: Immortal Abaddon Once the Season ends, Abaddon’s Immortal Souls will only be available…


@Jeto any developments/hope on Alliance Ranks Not Being Reset?
:crossed_fingers: :vulcan_salute:


The alliance reset is honestly not needed because some seasonal goals take almost the whole season to complete. And there’s the fact that we need to play everyday to get gold marks and rewards anyway.

It just…doesn’t make sense and it causes burnout from players especially during those first couple of weeks when people just want their alliance ranks back.



I’d love some time to play Explore again…


Same. I used to do explore 12 every day to get medals and now I never touch it.

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That’s the point. Without wipe of VP all that you will do - will be a beating minimal fo 6500 and leave pvp be. If it takes almost all season to get all season rewards if you are not grinding it all the time - that’s correct number of points needed. It’s strange to see some people at an alliance chat with a 20k VP restriction that joining it at a 4 or 5 week of event. Those people almost dont play PVP, why should they collect all pvp rewards? It’s a reward, not charity.


That is charity indeed, the longer you play the game (the more dedicated player you are), the longer you have to waste your time on pvp because of vp ruleset

I didnt buy your season pass (bought the first one.) I will never buy it again as long as two things are true:

  1. silver and gold marks in burning chests. REMOVE THESE. Not a lower chance. Take them out. They are a wasted pull. But maybe thats your goal eh?
  2. vp reset. Self explanatory. Listen to your players. Either that or vastly reduce the ammount required. I will have about 200k less vp this time because of burnout (had 560k first time)

While I understand your anger and have had expereince it before both in old and new pvp I think the main point people don’t considured is that the pvp pass is made for players who are super intrested in pvp and it is their main game mode but for more casual players or people who don’t focus on pvp we can still benifit from daily marks and weakly goals that provide much rewards while being free to play but I don’t want this to take away from the anger you feal I do think that many game modes including pvp should be better inclusive of casual players while still rewarding dedicated players. I hope that soon this problem will be resolved in future season and that everyone can be happy. :+1:

My main problem is silver marks in burning chests is an insult. No one needs them. Its literally in there to dilute the reward pool


True and mabey a little less odds allocated to lower icons.

Welp. Another ‘Immortal’ troop forever stuck at level 6 for me. I got to Season Level 42 but I’m practically burned out on this season already.

If you think about it, the alliance perk system doesn’t sense to begin with. It’s meant to reward loyal and active members of an alliance. The only true activities that benefits an alliance are voting and citadel points. VP shouldn’t have an effect at all, because that’s just a measurement of how much you grind PVP.

It’s just a lazy way to incentivize grinding their newest game mode.


I have not heard any update on if this mechanic will be changing.

It is still in place for the next Season.


Of course you haven’t.
Of course it is.


Sound legit. But if access to an alliance chat would be granted through CP rather than OP - there will be a lot of new moaning. As to me - season task are made for reward people who plays a lot of pvp. If you don’t wanna play pvp - it’s just about 5-15 battles a day to earn golden marks

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Thanks @Jeto for your consistent communication on all topics, even when the update is “no changes”.

:pray: :vulcan_salute:


Might as well say “there wont be changes”

Ive given up devs listening to us

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