Rumor or actual upcoming change ? PvP Leaderboard

Is pvp changing to percentage based scoring for the leaderboard ?
I’ve heard yes, I’ve heard no.
If such a change were to be made, imo, it would placate many players who are unhappy with trials and events, as they would be able to find “value” in crafted troops and weapons that they are unable to use elsewhere in the game.
I believe that it would also be welcomed by the large number of players who enjoy “strategy.”
The pvp leaderboard, as it stands, is simply rewarding to “grinders,” with plenty of time to play. Their win/loss percentage is often lower than players that are a third of their level.
I would welcome such a change.
Thank you.

It would also discourage players, who offer “freebie” defense teams, so that others have an easier time to reach their weekly tier 1…

Where have you heard of this change?


How about they quit forcing players to play gamemodes they have zero interest in?

Referring to campaign ? If so, I agree.

Although, simple pvp fights are not an issue for me.
Requiring RANKED pvp would be.
Thank you.

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Yes we’re referring to campaign obviously.

Good luck with your wishes.

They broke pvp in pq3 i hope they don’t do it to gems as well…