Gnome resurrection

To be fair, there is also a place for systems like these, but lottery odds does not mix well with rewards that aren’t all that impactful on a grand scale. Super rare, super impactful rewards cater to different different gamer archetypes than semi-common, random, and occasionally slightly impactful rewards. Super rare, individually unimpactful rewards cater to neither.

Starting… now.

Similar, or the same as? Did you accidentally set a Vault Event with the patch? If they increase this much during events, why are they even a thing all the time? Setting up situations that are overwhelmingly likely to be disappointing.

This is one solution, structured similar to how every other reward system in their game works - check off a daily box and then the impact of your time spent on the game drops, only this daily box might take a while to reach. I’m not sure of the pre-nerf gnome rates since I think I got in late, but incentivizing more than an hour of play at the fastest speeds possible on any given day is not something that would be particularly good for this game either - dailies, in general, need to come in small, easily checked boxes to avoid burning out everyone but the most hardcore, and this would qualify as a daily. But yeah, limiting them per day is less than ideal, but managed correctly, would be better than the current “super rare, not impactful” thing they have going.